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What is CarPro Immolube and How Does it Work? – CarPro Decontamination Series


I have really been enjoying trying out the latest and greatest in CarPro’s line up. I always have many of their products rotate into different slots of my detailing arsenal and its great to see improvements and wholly new additions to the lineup. One item that caught me by surprise was the CarPro Immolube. Immolube is a versatile lubricant that can be used for detailing clay, sanding or polishing and I consider it to be a part of the decontamination portion of this series as I see its primary use as a clay lubricant. I tested it as a clay lube during the decontamination of a recent polish and coating project we had in the shop. I have used lots of different products for clay lube and usually its not something I pay much attention to. We have found several that work for us for traditional clay and for clay mitts so when I first saw Immolube I just sort of shrugged it off. That was until I popped a spray trigger on it and took it for a spin.

The performance was immediately apparent as my clay glided across the paint as effortlessly. The slickness was absolutely insane! Not only the slickness but the viscosity was also very apparent. It is thicker than anything I had used previously. I could certainly feel the contamination very well as the clay came into contact with the bonded particles and the way it was able to glide over the surface made it really enjoyable to use.

In my business we always polish after a mechanical decontamination step like claying a car. I see the risk of marring to be quite high especially if you are using clay mitts. This works well for me because if you are using traditional protection methods like waxes or sealants, when it comes time to clay, the paint is likely ready for a light polish at least which does not need to take an exorbitant amount of time. If you are coating a vehicle then the prep for application should include a light polish at least, if not more aggressive paint correction. If you are maintaining a coated vehicle, I find that with a quality coating, a chemical decontamination is all that is required over the life of a coating as quality coatings and proper maintenance will resist contaminant bonding well for years. On top of the marring, I also hate the clay residue that can be left behind all over the car when the lubrication I am using breaks down or simply is not spread evenly and the clay comes in direct contact with the paint. Annoying to say the least.

Immolube however, is a product that has caught my attention and might change my mind on this matter for certain instances. The product is so thick that the risk of the marring and clay residue deposit issues I mentioned above is reduced. It is confidence-inspiring. You might be able to get away with using a fine grade clay bar on a coated vehicle while using this product without causing significant marring. I have put it on my list to try out when I find the right opportunity. Using it for the first time in the shop was very enjoyable, the process went smooth and fast and I did not have any clay residue spots to remove before polishing. Another feather in its cap is the absence of any leftover polymers or gloss enhancers on the paint allowing you to move straight to your polishing step or panel prep. It is one of those products that does its job so well, it makes the process feel effortless and premium.

If you are looking for a great clay lube or general detailing lube, you will not regret giving Immolube a shot, it is a high-quality premium detailing product that improves the clay process. It fits nicely within Car Pros line up of products and will now become a permanent fixture of my personal detailing product arsenal.

Matt Carter
Detail Peoria
Peoria, IL

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