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What Are Some of the Go-To Polish / Pad Combos?

My go-to polish / pad combos come from a couple different manufactures.  I like the Lake Country lineup of pads, both the tangerine and cyan hydrotech pads, and also the classic LC flat pads. There are times when a classic pad will work better and times when a hydrotech will outperform the others.  That is why it is necessary for me to carry both lines as I never know how the paint will react in different situations.

As far as compounds and polishes go, my manufacturers range from Meguiar’s, Menzerna, and Optimum (outside use only).  I have switched from the classic 83 / 80 combo to the newest 105 / 205 combo from Meguiar’s.  From the Menzerna lineup, I use a bunch:  Power Gloss, Super Intensive Polish, Intensive Polish, Power Finish and 85rd.

Some of the combos I start off with, based on the color of car, the level of correction desired, the end result needed, and the hardness of paint, are the following:

(most aggressive to least aggressive)

LC Purple Foam Wool pad with Meguiars 105

LC Purple Foam Wool pad with Menzerna SIP

LC orange / Hydrotech cyan with Meguiars 105

LC Orange / Hydrotech Cyan with Menzerna SIP

LC white pad / hydrotech tangerine with Menzerna SIP

LC white pad / hydrotech tangerine with Menzerna Power Finish

LC white pad / hydrotech tangerine with Meguiars 205

LC black pad with Menzerna 85rd

LC blue pad with Menzerna 85rd

Those are my personal go-to products.  I have others that I can resort to based on given situations, but I use those the most.  Hope that helps you to decide between the pad / product choices!

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