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Wash Mitt Review – A Follow Up & the Rag Company Ultra


wash mitt

I previously tested the Rag Company Cyclone Premium Wash Mitts from the Rag Company which I remember not recommending over the Gyeon Smoothie.  I favored the Gyeon Smoothie as a personal preference and this would be considered an outlier as I have been a big fan of the The Rag Company microfiber products. Take a look at this original review here, and read below for a follow up review including the new Rag Company Ultra Wash Mitt.

As with many products I have used from The Rag Company, quality was NOT an issue.  I discussed the reason why I was not a fan of the Cyclone in greater detail within the original article I linked to above. In summary I simply was uncomfortable recommending the Cyclone Premium Wash Mitt as I could feel it grabbing emblems, stripes, and weather seals. For many people I could understand this not being a major concern, but it was something that stuck out to me during use.

I later attempted to test the Wash Pad version of this mitt and had the same concerns due to its rigidity.  In short, I did not feel I had control of my wash media.

To be fair the Gyeon Smoothie wash mitts are also rigid, which is a reason I also enjoy the very flexible Gtechniq WM2 Microfibre Wash Mitt as well.  But I found the Gyeon Smoothie did not grab sensitive areas of my car like the The Rag Company Cyclone.  I still felt in control of the Smoothie; I did not feel the mitt tugging at every emblem and seal of my car.  This allows me to feel more comfortable using this wash media in a professional setting.  I also rationalized the incredibly plush feel of Smoothie as a fair trade off.

I also like using the Gtechniq wash mitts around intricate car areas.  The more flexible construction allows the mitt to contour around the car more easily around grills, side mirrors, and door handles.

Regardless of what wash mitt you use, I urge you to use caution when cleaning around emblems and material that can become detached if tugged on.

Fast forward to my new favorite wash mitts, The Rag Company Ultra!

These unique mitts are extremely flexible.  Microfiber mitts tend to have a foam lining inside as a base.  The Rag Company Ultra Wash Mitt has a microfiber support instead.  I believe this innovative design allows the mitt to have the combination of being extremely flexible and feeling plusher when pressed against a car surface.  There is one issue that has been brought up with regards to this design.  In regards to washing these microfiber mitts, removing the moisture can be a challenge.

Another reason for my change in preference, I noticed the Gtechniq Wash Mitt shedding fibers through wash (washing machine), where the other mitts did not.  This does not mean these mitts are of poor quality, but this issue was worth noting.

Right now I rank the Rag Company Ultra Wash Mitt 1a and the Gyeon Smoothie 1b as my preferred wash mitts.


  • Rag Company Ultra Wash Mitt – Flexible and plush due to its unique design.  Great price value.  Drawback is that it is challenging to dry.
  • Gyeon Smoothie – Exceptional quality and softness.  Price may be a issue to some.  If the wash mitt were slightly more bendable, it would be my clear cut #1 favorite wash mitt.
  • Gtechniq Mitt WM2 Microfibre Wash – Flexible and less expensive than Smoothie.  Quality is a (slight) question mark, only because of shedding fibers.
Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Wash Mitt Review – A Follow Up & the Rag Company Ultra

  1. Greg Pautler says:

    I appreciate you revisiting this topic and giving us more insight as you test more options!

  2. Joel says:

    You should also test Microfiber Madness Incredimitt.

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