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Top Smelling Detailing Products 2


Our warehouse manager, Charlie, attempted to highlight the best smelling detailing products (Top Smelling Detailing Products). While he did do a great job mentioning a few of my favorites (Chemical Guys Bare Bones, Sour Power Gloss Enhancing Shampoo, and Chemical Guys Lava Wax), he missed some that I really enjoy. These products smell so great that you will forget that you are working with detailing products and you might have to hold off from eating them! Please don’t eat the detailing products!

One of our most popular wheel sealants is the Poorboy’s World Wheel Sealant. This product smells just like one of my favorite gums ever, the Watermelon Big League Chew Bubble Gum. I’m not sure what it is, but the simple way the gum is shredded made emulating my favorite baseball players key to any of my little league baseball games. This scent is great, however I absolutely love the smell of the Bold ‘n Bright Tire Dressing. Do you like the smell of coconut? Well that’s the scent that is packed into this little bottle! It makes me feel like I’m beach-side relaxing while on vacation, and lets face it, everyone loves vacation. If coconut is not your thing, one of the most popular products Poorboy’s World offers is their Spray and Wipe. Now this one is hard to really explain. It has a light citrus scent, almost like kiwi-strawberry, but much smoother. Every time I use this product I’m amazed by how well I can remove contamination from my paint, while leaving behind this great scent.

Almost all of the Dodo Juice products smell really great, however one of my favorites has to be the Dodo Juice Blue Velvet. This wax has a nice smooth berry scent which reminds me of a mixed berry candy. This is a great hard wax that will really make your paint pop as well!

One of my favorite smelling products is the Chemical Guys Stripper Scent. Now this is an air freshener, so its supposed to smell good, however the smell is hard to put your finger on. It has a subtle tones of vanilla and a slight unmistakeable perfumey like odor. It’s a slightly feminine scent, however both men and women are sure to love this smell! Another great thing about this product is that it has natural enzymatic odor elimination properties. This allows you to not only make your car smell great, but eliminate and reduce recurring odor all together! One of our authors, Ivan Rajic, has his own product review of the Stripper Scent you can check out as well.

Continuing with the Chemical Guys line of products, the Chemical Guys V7 has an orange citrus smell with a little kick that is unmistakeable. It reminds me of growing up in the early 90’s sipping on a fresh cup of Tang! I really wonder why Tang still isn’t popular. Anyways, the Chemical Guys XXX Hard Core Paste Wax is another one he missed. This wax smells like baby powder. Now this may not be my favorite scent but I know that some people just can not get enough of it. Along with smelling pretty good this wax is one of our best “bang for you buck” waxes we carry. It is easy to apply and it will look great on any color paintwork.

This is an article about the BEST smelling detailing products, however there is one product that smells so bad it is worth mentioning, that product is the CarPro TRIX. This product is by far the WORST smelling product I have ever used, but it is still one of my “go tos”, as it works extremely well. You can quickly break down tar and iron deposits embedded in the exterior finish, however there is no mistaking that you are using a quality detailing product when you smell this one!

While scent doesn’t affect how a certain product performs, it is a nice bonus to work with something that smells great! Thank you for giving this article a read, hopefully it shed some light on some of our products here at Detailed Image!

5 comments on Top Smelling Detailing Products 2

  1. Tim says:

    Interesting post Reece! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the smell of Blackfire Wet Diamond, it smells very clean and fresh. A nice side benefit to it being a piece of cake to work with and doing a great job of protecting paint.

  2. Aurelius says:

    i’m wondering why Optimum No Rinse Wash and Shine not listed ? I often just smell it from the bottle rich blueberry scent

  3. Robert Domlewski says:

    I really enjoy the smell of DoDo Juice Basics of Bling Spray Detailer-Green Apple. The product is very slick and smells just like a green apple.

  4. Kirilas says:

    I am in shock… Everybody is so in love with CG Stripper Scent and yes i agree it smells very very nice, BUT… I dosn’t last at ALL. If you’ll spray 1/3 of the bottle all over your car it will last, well lets say around 4 hours. Why nobody is talking about that? It seems to be worst air freshener i have ever tried. Total waste of money…

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