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Top Smelling Detailing Products



As the Warehouse Manager here at Detailed Image I have my hands on high quality detailing products every day, whether it’s unloading palettes, checking orders, pulling orders or inspecting our new shipments for quality control.  I consider myself fortunate enough to be somewhat knowledgeable about every product we sell through my daily work and my personal detailing outside the office.  Working with these products on a regular basis I can tell you first hand how pleasant it is to sample the fragrances with some of these uniquely scented products we carry. At the office we often debate what scents are best and I thought it would be great to share some of my thoughts on my personal favorites after years of working with them all.  I realize scent does not really impact performance but it sure doesn’t hurt to have a pleasant aroma to aid you during your detailing process.

I’ll start with one of our more popular products, the Natty’s Red Paste Wax. This product literally brings me back to the “dug out”, it smells exactly the way Strawberry Big League Chew would taste. We have been selling this product for years and the consistency has been maintained and that sweet strawberry scent has stayed throughout the years.

One product in particular that really stands out to me is the Chemical Guys Bare Bones, this product really smells way too good for something that is meant to be used on your undercarriage! This product screams grape. More specifically it’s smell resembles a Grape Blow Pop or a Grape Slush Puppy.

A product that really has a unique scent that has grown on me is Chemical Guys Lava Wax. Lava Wax’s scent is strong but not at all overwhelming. It resembles a ripe orange citrus scent when you first take a whiff but it also has a faint clean minty scent that is hard to place when you first come into contact with the product. The retro container is cool, the texture is more whipped, the product works great and the scent is amazing, what is not to like?

We carry several brands at Detailed Image but only one brand in particular stands out as far as going the extra mile to make sure that almost every product they put out has a completely unique look and scent. Dodo Juice has shown they know how to cater to this specific group of our customers in more ways than one by putting out this unique line of detailing supplies and waxes, so much so that we have this product line imported all the way from the UK! My favorite wax scent is most likely Banana Armour, this wax in particular is not overpowering but still offers a clean subtle banana scent that I would compare to banana Runts. My overall favorite smelling Dodo Juice product would have to be Sour Power Gloss Enhancing Shampoo. Sour Power to me smells like the first bite I take out of a Granny Smith Apple, it’s amazing how they were able to capture that fresh from an orchard scent. Again I love the Dodo Juice products and I am excited to see what they come out with next.

Not every product has to have a scent that resembles something that you want to eat in order for it to be considered pleasant or even a personal favorite of mine. One product that is a perfect example of that for me is Einszett’s Cockpit Premium, every time I use this product it not only does an amazing job but it leaves a very clean smelling residue that really lasts for days. It’s not strong enough to overpower an air freshener but it’s powerful enough to leave a lasting fresh scent in your vehicle that will remind you and everyone else who enters it just how clean it really is. Taking a big whiff directly from the bottle or using too much product is not ideal but during regular detail use I’ve really enjoyed it.

Just recently at Detailed Image we began to carry the Little Trees! Naturally if I am sharing my favorite scents it would be very tough to leave these famous trees off the list. I think every tree has a very distinguishing scent but my personal favorite is the Wild Cherry. The Black Ice and New Car Scent are both honorable mentions but to me the Wild Cherry takes the cake.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on some of the best smelling products available in the detailing industry. I hope you gained some food for thought that may have some impact on your next purchase at Detailed Image.

Charlie – Warehouse Manager

1 comment on Top Smelling Detailing Products

  1. Alex Boyce says:

    Always makes detailing a little bit nicer when the products being used smell great!

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