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Top 10 Products – March 2011 – Detailing Technology


I personally enjoy reading articles like this on any subject. They always tend to make research and shopping for new items easier.
Friends and clients ask me all the time, “What should I use for X…” and “What’s going to make my car look like Y…”. There are so many choices and so many variables, but there are a few constants.

After working with and sampling hundreds of products over the years, there are a few which have stood the test of time, and the NY winters.

Here they are:

Poorboy’s Spray and Rinse: Diluted properly, this has cleaned the worst wheels I have come across. I’d not consider it for regular use, but for an initial cleaning of seriously abused wheels it is superior. The scent is powerful and I’d recommend wearing gloves when using. I’ve been using it for 5 years with great success on OEM finished wheels. Beware with bare aluminum wheel as this product may stain.

Optimum Opti-Bond Tire Gel: Simply the best finish I have seen to date on a properly cleaned tire. I tend to get 2 weeks out of an application even with some rain. It’s easy to use, and leaves a deep and even appearance when dry.

Optimum Opti-Seal: I use this product everywhere. Wheels, glass, plastic, engines door jambs, you name it. Simple to use and leaves a decent level of protection that does not attract pollen! I use Poli-Seal on my wheels, glass, and door jambs after every wash. I also use it on my interior wood trim to add some shine and protection.

Optimum Poli-Seal: A great 1-step cleaner. Cleans the paint surface while doing a little correction/hiding and adding protection. I use this between corrections on my own vehicles. Give them a deep gloss and cleans off just about anything.

Optimum No rinse: An extremely versatile product. I use this as a no-rinse wash year round, a quick detailer, a window cleaner, a clay lubricant, added to soap on my foam lance, you name it. It just works.

Leatherique Pristine Clean: The best leather cleaner I have ever used. Removes oils and dirt from leather safely and leaves the leather feeling and looking like it did when it was new. Try this on your leather wrapped steering wheel and you will feel like you are driving a new car. I tend use this product liberally and work it with soft brushes. You will be impressed.

Meguiar’s M105: If you want to remove swirls from paint, this is the product. I have used this with great success on Ferrari F40’s, Enzo’s, you name it. The ability to dramatically control the level cut with varying pressure and pads make this a top product. I have not experienced and nasty caking, or gummig with M105 as I have with some other products. In some cases, M105 has left the finish LSP ready and did not require any additional finish polishing. Used with the rotary or D/A, this product is incredible.

Blackfire Wet Diamond Paint Sealant: It is one of the most talked about products because it works. It’s very easy to apply, and just as easy to remove when allowed to dry properly. Leaves the paint finish with a superior gloss and visible depth that continues to improve the next day. It has endured a hard NY winter on one of my black SUV’s, road salt and dirt have not been an issue due to this product. I use this on every vehicle at this point.

Chemical Guys EZ Creme Glaze: A total surprise. I had zero expectations for this product when I read reviews about it. After trying it once, I was hooked. It’s a great cleaner and glaze post polishing and really sets the surface up well for a sealant or wax. Extremely easy to apply and remove, and adds plenty of gloss. I have no problem calling this a must-have product.

E-Z Detail Brush: I can’t imagine washing a car without these. I use both sizes as the smaller brush works great for getting between the wheel and the caliper, so you don’t need to move the car, and the large brush cleans the remainder of the bulk quickly and easily. This brush does not scratch the wheel finish in my experience.

And an 11th just for good luck:

Einszett 1Z Cockpit Premium: The scent alone is worth the purchase. It’s not a pleasant odor; it’s one that gives you the feeling that an “industrial cleaning” has taken place. Safe on plastic, leather, glass, LCD screens, wood, you name it. I prefer to use this with a microfiber mitt and it allows me keep my hand from smearing any surfaces I just cleaned.

So that’s it for me as of March 2011. Ill be rewriting this article in 2012 and re-ranking the products, stay tuned…

13 comments on Top 10 Products – March 2011 – Detailing Technology

  1. Thanks for posting up your list Justin…we share a lot of common items that are our go-to products.

  2. Justin says:

    My pleasure Todd.
    Yes, we do share almost all, and you got me hooked on EZ Creme Glaze.

  3. Marc Harris says:

    Great list Justin. Many of those products have great followings for a good reason. I think you’re spot on with 1Z Cockpit Premium: best interior product I’ve ever used!

  4. Justin says:

    Thanks Marc – I am impressed with many of the 1Z products.

    Cockpit also cleans laptops and Ipads like no other product.

  5. Kostas Skourtis says:

    Thanks you for the insight and the benefit of your experience Justin.

    I agree with you on the 1Z products. Great value for money.
    It seems Todd has produced a lot of EZ followers. The silky smoothness left behind is quite amazing.
    ONR and optiseal are my next 2 purchases.

    Looking forward to the update.


  6. Justin says:

    Kostas – Opti-Seal and ONR are must have products. You will be happy with your purchases.

    I also use Opti-Seal on glass, wiper arms, plastic, wheels, door jambs, fuel door, etc..

    ONR gets my personal cars through the winter. No matter how desperate, I never go to the tunnel wash.

  7. GB Detailer says:

    One more product I would add to the “Top Ten” (soon-to-be Top Twelve) is Klasse All-In-One.
    If you read the posted article within this “Ask-A-Professional Detailer” it will validate why this versatile product is a another “must-have” within anyone’s detailing inventory.

  8. Justin says:

    GB – I’m trying Klasse this season.

    Thus far, it looks like it will make it to my 2012 Top 12 list!

  9. Jason says:

    I just finished my first full detail after doing a lot of reading and testing on my daily driver. I used 4 of the above products with stunning results, optibond tire gel M105, EZ glaze, and blackfire wet diamond sealant. I’m very impressed with each of them!

  10. Justin says:

    Jason –

    Opti-bond is one that surprised me the most. The durability and appearance are just what I expect from a tire product.

  11. Irfan says:


    Great to hear from you again Justin! thanks for the list! I will be getting the CG glaze to test out on the truck:)

  12. Justin says:

    Irfan – Good to hear from you.

    Try EZ, I use it all the time now after a recommendatin from Todd on this site, great product.

  13. Jon H says:

    From a nearby Long Islander, it’s great to hear from someone who knows how bad our winters can get here in NY. How cold would you let the temperature drop before deciding not to even consider an ONR wash outdoors?

    Thank you

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