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Video How-To: Thoroughly and Safely Clean Your Wheels


Not long ago, we briefly spoke about some typical misses when folks clean their wheels and how hitting a few bullet points would improve the results.

Later, what I wanted to do was something that would provide a more extensive look at cleaning wheels while they are mounted (more to come on how we detail/coat wheels that are removed from the automobile later). After starting the piece, it became clear that there would never be a better solution than to provide a video reference. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what is a video worth?

We realize that there is no single right way to clean wheels safely. But what we aim to provide is the approach we use at Detailed Designs Auto Spa, with hopes you will find something of value that you can incorporate into your own workflow.

The video is not short. But hopefully you will appreciate the visual references from start to finish and not needing to use your imagination.

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Jean-Claude Corcoran
Jean-Claude Corcoran
Detailed Designs Auto Spa
Atlanta, GA

6 comments on Video How-To: Thoroughly and Safely Clean Your Wheels

  1. Brian Guy says:

    Very well done video Jean-Claude!

  2. Jean-Claude says:

    I appreciate it Brian.

  3. Donavan says:

    Is it a good idea to pre rinse the wheel before applying the cleaners? Or does that dilute the cleaners.

    • I go on a case by case basis. The products you’re using as well as the temperature and how quickly you will be rinsing would play a role. If you are battling filming with your products, rinsing more and even before cleaning would be a good idea.

  4. says:

    what would you recommend to clean polished aluminum wheels. after one winter my ultra’s look ” roached “

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