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The Rag Company Cyclone vs. Gyeon Smoothie Wash Mitts


Once upon a time, I was a faithful chenille style wash mitt user when performing a traditional car wash.  The Gyeon Smoothie Wash Mitt changed my perception and I am now obsessed with a different style of wash mitt.

The Smoothie has become my new favorite for traditional washing.  This mitt checks all of the boxes for what I am looking for in a safe washing experience.  My stamp of approval goes beyond the initial visual inspection, as I can really feel this mitt gliding on a painted surface.

The unique design of this microfiber mitt, has several benefits.  We often inspect microfiber towels to feel the softness when they are dry.  The Gyeon Smoothie actually did not impress me upon initial inspection, as it felt somewhat rough to touch.  That reveals a fatal flaw in how we judge wash mitts.  We are rubbing these objects on painted surfaces when they are wet.  Have you ever dipped your hand into a wash bucket to feel the slickness of car soap?  I can truly feel the same slickness with this mitt.  It gradually released soapy water perfectly as I washed.  I believe this is the advantage of these tiny strands.  From these observations, it became no surprise why the Gyeon Smoothie was gliding on the surface easier than any other style of wash I have used.

Detailed Image has recently added the Rag Company Cylcone Wash Mitt, similar in design to the Gyeon Smoothie.  I have decided to do a comparison of the two, so you don’t have to!

One thing that stands out between the two is size!

On a positive note the Rag Company wash mitt will cover more area, has a similar high-quality feel, and can be purchased at a friendlier price point.

A major negative with the Rag Company wash mitt; I felt I had less control over it.  There is a definite added concern with it grabbing sensitive material around a car.  I feel somewhat safer maneuvering the Gyeon mitt around sensitive areas.  The smaller Gyeon Mitt was much more bendable meaning it could maneuver around smaller areas more gracefully.  Although no matter what mitt you use I suggest caution around emblems and to check for loose weather stripping and plastic trim.

A case can be made for either wash mitt, but the Gyeon Smoothie will continue to be my new personal preference.  Overall I do believe this new style of wash mitt is here to stay.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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5 comments on The Rag Company Cyclone vs. Gyeon Smoothie Wash Mitts

  1. rlmccarty2000 says:

    Does anyone stick their hands in these mitts anymore? I just use mine like a wash pad to give it a more cushioned effect and to hold more wash solution (I sometimes use them for rinseless washing). Nice review. I wish it would have included the Microfiber Madness and Meguires wash mitts to get an idea of the “best in class” wash mitt.

    • Mike says:

      They don’t carry microfiber madness so it wouldn’t be on their website as a review. I own the microfiber madness incredipad and I love it. Used to use chenille also and made the switch. I don’t understand why people use the mits as pads as the part that secures to your wrist could induce swirls. The incredipad is the perfect size as well.

      • Rodney Tatum says:

        I put my hand in the mitt probably 90 to 95% of the time. It wasn’t shown in the picture in part because of the ease of taking a picture with two free hands and my focus being on other content.

    • Larry Dublin Bey says:

      I stick my hands in mine because I like to feel the contours of the vehicle and give the auto that personal touch and caress!!!!!

  2. JASON FILES says:

    The rag company mitt is 70/30. What about gyeon? Is it the same as microfiber madness mitts? I heard those are 75/25? I have a bunch of rag company mitts. 1-2 of them had the strands stiffen up for some reason. Why does that happen?

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