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The Many Uses of Geist Surface & Screen Cleaner


The Many Uses of Geist Surface & Screen Cleaner

The Surface & Screen Cleaner is a plant based cleaner designed by Geist to help you clean various interior surfaces quickly and safely. Our first Geist shipment showed up damaged due to some poor handling in transit, so we only have a few of these cleaners on hand, but I was able to grab one bottle to begin testing right away.

I paired this cleaner with a nice Autofiber Korean Plush 470 and utilized this cleaner on a navigation screen, along with the leather and vinyl interior surfaces of a fellow employee’s vehicle. After only a few wipes I found myself really enjoying the clean, crisp finish it left behind on these surfaces. On top of that, the smell was fantastic during use and it reminded me of a simple linen scent. This smell was super clean and after sitting it did not become overwhelming and I never was sick of the smell, which is a huge bonus.

After using it a bit, I sat down to write the product description for the website and noticed the below chart directly on the Geist website:

Surface & Screen Cleaner Chart

This chart not only had me excited but intrigued about the cleaning ability of Surface & Screen Cleaner on non detailing surfaces. I immediately ran around the offices and warehouse to start cleaning some of these types of areas. Below you will find some before and after shots of various different surfaces and I wanted to give a shout out to my fellow employees who let me clean their dirty items!

My Computer Monitor

Computer Monitor Before and After Cleaning

Company iPad

Company iPad Before and After Cleaning

Xavier’s Samsung ZFlip 3

Samsung ZFlip 3 Before and After Cleaning

Tim’s Glasses

Glasses Before and After Cleaning

Break Room Refrigerator

Refrigerator Before and After Cleaning

Office Window

Window Before and After Cleaning

Conference Room TV

TV Before and After Cleaning

Milton’s Navigation Screen

Nav Screen Before and After Cleaning

Charlie’s Dashboard

Dashboard Before and After Cleaning

Todd’s Laptop

Laptop Before and After Cleaning

3 comments on The Many Uses of Geist Surface & Screen Cleaner

  1. Kenneth Carter says:

    Can this be used for cleaning granite countertops?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Kenneth – I reached out to Ram at Geist and he stated that it is safe for use on granite/kitchen tops.

  2. MM says:

    Are those prescription eyeglasses polycarbonate with anti-glare coating on the lenses?


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