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The Importance of Great Scented Products



Whenever we are reviewing a product we take the scent of it very seriously. While this may seem trivial to some, a good smelling product can set you apart from other detailers, no one likes harsh chemical smells.

When a client comes out to see the vehicle and a delicious aroma fills the air it makes the experience that much better. Countless times I have had a client come out and say “Wow it even smells good!”

On a more psychological scale, scents are often stored in long term memory more than any other sense. So say you were to use the same detail spray at the end of every vehicle. That delicious scent would be remembered with the beautiful finish of the vehicle. Just another way to instill your brand into clients and just adds that much more to your client experience that sets you apart from the rest. Some of my favorites include Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax and the CarPro Eraser. This is an easy adjustment that will give you very good reactions!

Check out these other articles by Charlie and Reece at DI, where they highlight some of their favorite smelling detailing products:

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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