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The Best Detailing Product in the World


Have you ever wondered what the best detailing product is? We have so many awesome products to choose from now-a-days, its difficult to determine which is the best. It’s the best because of it’s durability, ease of use, profitability, history of credibility, looks etc etc. And what about tools? They’re detailing products as well. They make are job easier, more efficient and make us feel professional using them. Mash all that up and clearly we have the best detailing product(s) on the globe, with a sure fire reason that this is going to be the most amazing detail ever!

Lets think about that for a second … “The most amazing detail EVER”

what is ?

Product Reviews

We have seen so many great reviews here on Detailed Image, along with forums and other forms of social media. Each product rivals other products most of the time. We are drawn to them as active enthusiast and our curiosity takes over. Can this product really be a miracle? Is this exactly what I was looking for? Can I achieve those same results with this? Is this worth spending my money on? So many questions begin to bounce around and even more so today as detailing is taking great leaps and bounds in progressing so vastly. But the question still remains, we have to know what the best product is.

Consumers Need to Know

It’s possible that most of the pro’s know where I’m going with this. But lets face it, the consumers certainly out number the amount of pro’s out there. The amount of consumers that dig through the internet looking for the answers must be overwhelmed. As the detailing world grows so does the amount of information on the internet. Have you ever searched for ways to fix your headlights or faded trim? Have you had difficulty in deciding, what to protect your vehicle with? Or, have you ever searched for reasons why something failed? All you will find is mixed reviews and opinions, leaving you with a 50:50 to go off of. And at the time of making that final decision at check out, you’re still not 100% sure. But, it is worth the effort because we love our cars. For any of the pro’s out there reading this? Have you ever had someone ring you up and ask, “Do you use this product?”. I bet you have and I bet you guys already know the answer. Getting off of this topic and moving on, I leave you with an earlier article I did that helps explain this in more depth using vehicle protection products. Consumer Confusion On Vehicle Protection.

How Did the Product Become the Best

Products become the best only through hands on experience. The more knowledge you have of a product and the more you use it, the more you know about it. The more you know about it, the easier it works for you. Thus becoming the best “for you”. One size does not fit all in the detailing industry and devoting time and effort into what you want to know or what kind of results you’re looking for takes trail and error. When you really want something to work for you, it will. It’s just figuring out how to get it to work for you. Products do not become the best because so and so said it was and I think that troubles many minds in a growing industry. We often see way to much of these growing debates and mixed opinions on social platforms now-a-days. The best product in the world means absolutely nothing if it is in the hands of, lets just say, a person with lesser passion for the product or detailing all together. Each product most certainly has a place though, it’s just where you decide to put it and how much effort you put into it. After hands-on knowledge, you gain the results and a final conclusion if it fits for you.

What Is The Best Detailing Product In the World

The answer is YOU my friends! You are the product, you are the BEST detailing product in this world. You are the reason why all detailing products are the absolute best. You are the reason why detailing products continue to develop and YOU are the hype!

You have devoted your entire being at offering the best thing on the market. You have filled your shelves and continue to build bigger shelves of skills and knowledge to get you to where you’re at. You are the reason why that car is in front of you right now.

Next time the phone rings and a customer asks, “What can you offer me?” Tell them, I offer you ME, and all that I know! I offer you my knowledge, skill and willingness to continue to learn. I offer you the very best of me and the very best results of what I love to do. Because what I “know” is the best product.

Brian Guy
Brian Guy

7 comments on The Best Detailing Product in the World

  1. John Gallardo says:

    great article ! i am an avid amateur and have also been sucked in to a lot hype and reviews on the web.if you look you can always find someone that says this is the best thing ever.but like you said unless you try it and USE it what good is it ?i would like to find a place i can sell all my second best stuff!!!

  2. David Baptie says:

    So True! This is my first year for detailing as a profession and hundreds spent on different products. That being said by the end of this season I’ll have narrowed down my product line to about 6 systems that work for me and a clients car. So many products are so close in their nature that you as a detailer make them work!

  3. jonathan vincent says:

    Here are the 2 best detailing products in liquid form:

    3M Hand Glaze & P21s Paintwork Cleanser

    I know the poll is asking for the number 1 best and not the 2 best so…….. for me it goes to the 3m Hand Glaze.

    Never before have i seen more jaw dropping results from a product. It has also become my go to when all else has failed, this including etching on polished cc rims!.

    Runners up:
    Meguiar’s m105
    Farecla Rapid Detailer
    Farecla Micro-Polish

  4. Heath Maloon says:

    Brian i don’t think I could have written this any better. You speak the absolute truth and put it for all to understand, thank you for the insight and exceptional article. Keep up the awesomeness.

  5. P F Siegel says:

    My “magic” product is 3M swirl remover. I had all but given up on gettng rid of those pesky halos on my black car. Under just the right I could always notice the problem until I finally tried 3M swirl remover and BINGO the problem disappeared!!!

  6. Tom Heise says:

    I put a clearcoat kamikizie on my black chevy pickup and i would like to know if i can put a Swissvax like Shield or something like that over this clearcoat.Or do i have to strip my clearcoat to put Swissvax on it.What do you recomend to get the best of shine out of it.Thanx Tom
    Great job on the Vette.

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