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Surbuf Pad Storage


If you are like me you keep all your pads in one location. I use a Rubbermaid container to keep all of my pads in after they are cleaned and dry. I realized that my Surbuf pads were leaving their “fingers” all over other pads. These “fingers” could cause issues or rather defects in the paint when using a black finishing pad and I had to come up with a solution.


Simply throw them in a Zip Loc baggie, after they are dry and clean. Make sure their dry and clean, you don’t want moisture to produce mold and mildew.  If you are short on space, like me, squeeze the baggie until all the air is out and then shut it. The foam holds a lot of air and you can get the baggie quite small. Not only do you gain some extra space, but you ensure none of those “fingers” get all over your other pads.

Thanks for Reading.

Gregory Gellas
Signature Detailing NJ
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
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3 comments on Surbuf Pad Storage

  1. Brad W. says:

    Great idea Greg
    Thanks for the tip!!

  2. jeff says:

    thanks for the tip. question, how do you clean you pads?

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