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SEMA 2015 Preview!



Mike and Greg, Co-Owners of DI, will be making SEMA 2015 their 4th year in a row at this amazing show. SEMA, which stands for Specialty Equipment Market Association, is the world’s largest automotive product trade event and it takes place in the Las Vegas Convention Center. The show runs from November 3rd to November 6th and you can find anything car related that your heart desires in this massive two million square foot center.  We can not wait to see the beautiful cars, models, detailing products, new items, etc. and we have previewed the list of auto detailing and car companies that will be attending. Let’s just say it looks like it will be a record number!  This is a great sign for our growing industry and it means we can expect more great things this coming year!

Detailed Image will be reporting LIVE from the show again this year via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and our Ask A Professional Detailer Blog.

We have been talking with various manufacturers and we’re excited to hear there are some big announcements this year at SEMA.  Companies likes Rupes, Chemical Guys, and Optimum, along with a few other manufacturers will have brand new items to share. Stay tuned to the mentioned pages above, because the minute we know more we will be sure to share it with you guys.

Some information from Rupes had leaked so they said it was okay for us to share a little about just one of their big announcements.  The Rupes Polishers that we have come to love are going to get a big upgrade.  The new versions of the 15 ES and 21 ES will be called the Mark II Polishers. There is not a lot of public information out on these polishers yet, but to hold you over until we hear more, you can expect to see 30% more power and better results on concave and contour edges. This means some of the best polishers in the world are getting better!  We will be getting the official announcement on Tuesday at SEMA and we’ll have full details to share with you.  Don’t forget that Rupes will have another BIG surprise announcement at 11am PT on Tuesday!  We’ll be posting about the new product release asap so check back frequently on Tuesday!

We hope to see you at the show, but if you cannot make it do not worry. Just stick to Detailed Image and our social media pages and we will be your go-to for detailing related SEMA news!   Check out some of the great shots from last year’s show, SEMA Show 2014. Looking back on these shots always gets us excited for this year’s show!





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