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Rinseless Washing With Wolfgang Uber Rinseless


Wolfgang Uber Rinseless has been a popular product for a while with respect to performing rinseless washes.  Two of the reasons for its popularity is its creamy feel (lubricity) to the touch and the option to dilute it as a waterless mix.  Considering that I am not a big fan of waterless washing unless absolutely necessary, why would a waterless dilution option interest me?


I often use the waterless as a presoak before using the rinseless, and then (waterless) as a drying aid final cleaning type product.

Waterless Mix

There is one issue I do have with this container.  The instructions for the waterless mix the call for the use of 1/3oz rinseless per 16oz of water.  The container measures to dispersion in quarters (i.e. 1/4, 1/2, 3/4).  It can be an inconvenience.

What I will often do is pour a few ounces of water out of a gallon jug of distilled water.  I will then add 3 ounces of solution, to be later poured in spray bottles for a waterless option.

Rinseless Mix

1 oz per 3 gallons

When using 4 gallons of water, I will guess somewhere between slightly over 1 oz to 1 1/2 oz of product will get poured into my bucket.

It is always better to use distilled water.  This is so the product does not have to start working before you even use it, with respect to mineral deposits.  Although I often use tap water for the rinseless mix, I always use distilled water when mixing a waterless wash.


Many people use traditional microfiber towels instead of mitts when it comes to rinseless washes.   The common technique for a rinseless is folding so their are 8 sides; gently moving the microfiber in a straight line for one small area, folding to a clean side, repeating until all sides are used, then ofcourse repeating with a new microfiber (usually10+).

I generally follow a similar plan except I will often use mitts instead.  I gently move across one panel back and forth, then turning to the other clean side.  I have experimented with many microfibers.  Yet I like the control I have freely gliding knowing I am not putting too much pressure on the paint.  Although I still use other microfibers at times, I have struggled to find that comfort at times with microfiber towels.


Being only $5.99, I can justify having many wash mitts as a rinseless option.  I will need to use more mitts since I only have 2 sides to work with.  Now I am not suggesting you invest in 15 Meguiars mitts if you like your microfiber rinseless setup.  I just wanted to let you in on my world if you are exploring alternatives.

I will still use a couple of purple Eagle Edgeless 350 microfibers for tight areas as well.

Presoaking panel with waterless mix (below).


Let them soak for a minute!


For example, the top panel pictured below. I used a total of two wash mitts.  Breaking the panel in half;  one side of the mitt made two passes, flipped two and wiped across for two more passes.  Repeat on the other side with another mitt.

Although there is slightly more working area with these mitts, you don’t have the advantage of being able to fold them into 8 working sides.

I am not wringing out the mitt, I want it dripping (pictured below).


Depending on how careful YOU WANT to be, it is reasonable to use one mitt on an entire panel.  That would go a little further than what I would be comfortable doing.  But you still would be better off than most individuals who wash their car.  I have used as many as 4 on one panel.

If you look at the mitt below, applied with little to no pressure, you can see that you do NOT need to grind or put any pressure on your paint.


It is not going to matter what wash method you use, how plush your microfibers are, how fancy your soap is, or how Intensive your pre-rinse and foam method is if you are constantly grinding your wash media on your paint.  Train yourself to put some love and thoughtfulness in however you choose to wash your car and you will be better off than a majority of the people who wash their cars.

For drying and general touchups, I recommend the very high-quality plush Eagle Edgeless towels. I use Minx Edgeless Coral Fleece microfibers for doorjambs with Wolfgang Uber in a waterless mix.

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Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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1 comment on Rinseless Washing With Wolfgang Uber Rinseless

  1. Kim Newling says:


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