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Rinseless Washing


Rinseless Washing

Rinseless Washing

Rinseless Washing is a washing technology that allows you to wash your car without the need of a hose for rinsing afterward. You still need water of course, but simply one or two buckets will allow you to remove a great deal of contamination from the surface safely and easily. Washing your car in your garage, in an apartment complex or condo, or simply during winter months when you do not want to break out the hose. Just dilute your favorite rinseless wash (i.e. Optimum No Rinse or P&S Absolute) within the bucket and the cleaning solution will encapsulate dirt and other grime, lifting it from the surface for safe removal.

Rinseless Washing – How To

  • Insert your Grit Guard to the bottom of your bucket
  • Fill your bucket with water (pro tip – warm water in the winter makes washing more enjoyable)
  • Dilute your favorite rinseless wash
  • Toss your wash media into the bucket and soak it in solution
  • Using minimal pressure, wash from the top of your vehicle down
  • Rinse your mitt or sponge and glide it across the Grit Guard or Dirt Lock insert to help release as much contamination as possible
  • Repeat until your entire vehicle has been washed
  • Thoroughly dry your vehicle with your favorite drying towel

Rinseless Washing Products

There are so many products on the market, but below you will find some of our favorite rinseless washes, along with some mitts and sponges that are extremely popular during this detailing step.

Rinseless Washing Tips

  1. Fill up more than one bucket! Especially if you are working on with 3.5 gallon buckets, as it will keep you from going to refill your bucket 1-2 times during the detail.
  2. Make sure you are using a Grit Guard. Rinseless washing skips the need to use a hose and rinse contamination away after you are finished. All this dirt and grime will pull from the surface into your wash media, so you want to make sure you are using the Grit Guard to help pull that contamination off the wash media, keeping it trapped at the bottom of your bucket.
  3. If you are washing in the winter, fill your bucket from your sink using warm water instead of ice cold from your hose. Even if the water is just slightly on the warm side, it makes a huge difference if you are washing during colder temperatures.
  4. Work from the top of your vehicle, down. More dirt and grime is generally found at the bottom of your vehicle, so cleaning the less contaminated areas first will leave less dirt and grime in your bucket until the end of the wash process.
  5. Pre Soak your vehicle to aid in loosening dirt and grime. An IK Sprayer is a good way to foam up a rinseless wash just enough so that it sticks to the paint surface. This allows the formula to break down dirt and grime, allowing you to more easily remove it during the rest of your rinseless wash process.
  6. After cleaning protection! Apply a spray on Si02 sealant or another protection product to protect your work and keep the surface cleaner, for longer.

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