Just a little something that I believe that pro detailers, weekend warriors, and DIY details all should understand…that there is a necessity to carry more than one specific product for each step.
Just the other day, while working on a 2008 Range Rover, I came across a situation which luckily I was able to overcome. I have been in this same situation a couple of times, but this time it was a little more serious.
After compounding the car for heavy defect removal with Meguiars 105 compound, I moved onto the next mid level polishing step. Usually, my go to product for this step is menzerna 203 on a white LC polishing pad. However, based on the cool/damp climate conditions in the warehouse I was working in, and the soft paint, my go to combo wasnt working out. It was very sticky and leaving the finish VERY hazy, worse than 105 did! Luckily, I had Meguiars 205 on hand, and just by switching to that product, I was able to finish the second step with ease! Without a different mid level polish, I would not have been able to get the car finished with the conditions at hand, which would have led to an unhappy client, something I would never want! After the 205 step, I followed with Menzerna 85rd on a black lc pad for more gloss and wetness!
Moral of the story: be prepared to tackle any situation with an assortment of products just in case you find yourself in a sticky situation!
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