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P&S Detail Products Response to COVID-19


This article was written by Keith Duplessie, Customer Development Specialist and IDA Founders Club Member at P&S Sales, Inc.

PS Detail Products Response to COVID-19

The P&S response to the COVID19 (SARS CoVID 2) Pandemic has been to remain on course and true to our core values of delivering quality relevant product in a timely manner while educating our Distributor team and customers. We have accomplished this in two ways. First and foremost we are a chemical manufacturer and supplier that makes every effort to be nimble and adaptive to the ever-changing detail market. To that end, we took our ability to be nimble and applied it to both the production and sourcing of sanitizing products. We transformed a production line to make Hand Sanitizer per the EPA emergency guidelines and began to produce product for our distribution partners. Additionally, we sourced a Surface Sanitizer product to support our distributor’s ability to provide this necessary resource to their customer base. Both products were available early on and have helped our distributors support their local communities with the necessary products to help mitigate the spread of the virus. This has also helped them continue to operate as business’ which has become increasingly important as the economic impact continues to be felt more by the day.

P&S Detail Products Sanitizer

The other effort we took was to take an active and vocal part of the industry’s education efforts. P&S Brand Ambassadors and staff participated in industry education webinars hosted by the IDA, and other leading industry companies. We held internal education sessions for our distributors, talking about what the virus is, where to find resource information to validate product claims and what measure agencies like the CDC, EPA and FDA recommend in combating the virus and it’s spread. In addition to Corona related education, we felt it was important to help coach the industry on how to survive the economic and social impact of the pandemic. Many on our team have participated in education events like this, and our Double Black Brand Ambassador Renny Doyle has helped lead the way with 3 times per week business education and economic impact series aimed to help detailers and suppliers come out of the pandemic stronger and more ready to react to the opportunities that will present themselves. All these events have been open to the public, and it has and will continue to be our goal to help the industry as a whole survive and emerge from this crisis as strong as possible. We continue to strive to stay positive, support our fellow detailers, and be ready for what comes next.

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