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Product Review: The Rag Company Twist N’ Shout Drying Towel


twist and shout

Everything The Rag Company makes is amazing, so it’s no surprise the Twist N’ Shout Drying Towel is a winner as well. It is a very good size and can easily dry a vehicle with just one.

On top of that, it is very light and thin, which initially concerned me, but it soaks up water just as good as some thicker towels I have tried.

Here it is compared to the Griots PFM drying towel, you can see it is considerably thinner, even though they are almost the same dimensions.

griots vs rag company

What this means is that overall it soaks up just as much water, but the thicker towel can absorb more at once. Meaning if you swiped across a large pool of standing water, the purple may take a second pass but it still will absorb it all.

drying with the towel

I am a huge fan of this towel, mainly due to the lighter weight. It makes it easier to work with and the thinner overall build makes it easier to get into places like behind the door handles.

drying with the towel

This towel is great and a great add to your arsenal, not to mention a great price. And yes, it does make me want to shake it up, baby, now twist and shout.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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1 comment on Product Review: The Rag Company Twist N’ Shout Drying Towel

  1. Jeffrey Miller says:

    I will have to agree with you The Rag Company has real quality products. I have been using them for a few years now and have never been disappointed. I will continue to buy from them because everything I get from them is a quality product. Kudos to all the people at the rag company keep up.

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