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Product Review: SONAX Leather Foam


Keeping your leather seats clean can be quite the task, especially for those of us that have children and pets.  SONAX Leather Foam is one of those products that make cleaning your seats very simple.  Here is the product description from the Detailed Image product page.

The SONAX Leather Foam is a premium leather cleaner, conditioner and protectant all in one bottle. It restores leather to it’s original suppleness so it looks and feels like new again. It can be used on both leather and leatherette seats with great results. This foamed based formula is perfect for perforated seats and seats with heating and cooling systems built in. The foaming action provides a very light layer of product that sits on the surface and is absorbed in time by the leather as need be. Liquid products can often run in to the perforations soaking some areas more than others. The cleaning power it provides is strong enough to lift and remove all kinds of contaminants embedded in the leather. The conditioners used help maintain the proper moisture levels needed in leather so it does not dry out and crack. It uses a modified beeswax ingredient to reduce slipping and it helps replenish the leathers natural strength. The protection it leaves behind preserves the leather so it’s looking healthy and clean for years to come. Use the SONAX Leather Foam today and see why so many people in Germany are in love with this brand!

My test vehicle was a Nissan Murano owned by someone with two small children and a dog.  As you would expect the light color leather seats had a fair amount of dirt and staining on them.

KMG - Leather Foam

The directions for SONAX Leather Foam are actually quite simple.

Directions for Use:

  • Shake well before use.
  • Check on small inconspicuous area before use.
  • Spray on a soft cloth or directly onto leather surface.
  • Spread a thin, even layer on entire leather surface.
  • Leave to dry for a few minutes.
  • Wipe and shine with a soft cloth or chamois.
  • Use of a dust-free cloth is recommended.

KMG - Leather Foam

To prepare the seat for cleaning I vacuumed the seat off thoroughly and then followed that up with using my air compressor to blow out all the cracks and crevices in the seats.  At this point I did as the directions described a shook the can for 15-20 seconds before spraying it onto a small area for a test spot that was out of site.  Once the test spot confirmed there would be no issues I sprayed one section of the back seat.

KMG - Leather Foam

This was left to settle for a few minutes while it broke down the dirt and oils located on surface of the seat.  The only additional thing I did that the directions don’t call for is use a DI Horse’s Hair Upholstery Brush to scrub the heavily soiled areas on the seat.

KMG - Leather Foam

After being scrubbed the seat was wiped down with a damp microfiber towel and left to dry.  I was very impressed with how quickly and easily Sonax Leather Foam cleaned up these pretty dirty seats after just one application with minimal scrubbing needed.  After the cleaning the leather was left with a nice supple feel with a natural look.  If you are looking for a very simple to use product to keep your leather seats looking new Sonax Leather Foam should certainly be one to consider.

Kevin M. George
KMG Detailing
Lebanon, PA

6 comments on Product Review: SONAX Leather Foam

  1. Steve K. says:

    Wow KEVIN…night and day difference! Thanks for the review. Sounds like a great product to keep on hand.

  2. Carl Kulas says:

    I have found from several websites that almost all leather interiors today are semi-analine – meaning that they have a protective coating on the surface. How is it possible to “feed” and condition the base leather itself ? Aside from merely cleaning the surface, are most leather products today really almost worthless ? I would certainly like your opinion. Thank you.

  3. Branson says:

    Looks like it works good for cleaning but I have had customers ask about making the leather soft again. Does this product seem to make it much softer?

  4. Jarrod says:

    Wow! I have an old Mercedes that the leather needs some help on. I’m going to have to try this out.

  5. DENNIS says:


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