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Product Review: Rupes Crystal Glass Polish



The Rupes Crystal Glass Polish packs chemical cleaners and very fine abrasives to help get your automotive glass surgically clean.  This is a valuable product to have when a simple glass cleaner is just not enough.


  • Removing Road film
  • Removing Bonded Contamination
  • Topical Water Spot And Other Mineral Deposit Clean Up

Particularly with road film build up, when you are doing your typical glass cleaning it puts more stress on your glass cleaner when environmental pollutants and film build up on your windscreen. This is a little bit more of an aggressive yet still safe (designed for glass) option, to more thoroughly clean glass.

Hand Application:

I grabbed a soft foam applicator.  The package comes with one foam applicator.  But this one was what I had readily on hand.

Below is a visual indicator of how much I used per window.  For the windscreen, I recommend splitting into two sections.


I rubbed the product in circular motions for about 10 to 15 seconds.


The product instructions call for an immediate wipeoff.  Which after taking this quick picture I did so with a wet Gtechniq microfiber glass towel.

Ultimately I would follow it up with Gyeon Glass glass cleaner and a microfiber towel for good measure.


I also used this product with a polisher and a  Lake Country 1 inch Force Orange Cutting Pad.  This is not as aggressive as it sounds on the glass.  I also was operating at around a speed of 3 for about 5 passes.


I even tried the product with Carpro Rayon Pads, at a speed of 4 performing 4 passes.


I would personally follow up with a lighter pad, after using Rayon pads (2 step polish) with a medium foam pad.  It wouldn’t show in the picture but I suspect a very (ever so light) haze will develop with these pads.

I also used very aggressive pads to really exhaust this review here.  Just from my experience, this product is more ideally suited for a milder hand application or medium foam with a dual-action polisher cleaning.  If a more aggressive approach is needed I recommend Carpro Ceriglass.


I see this product as a good option for someone who is looking to add an occasional more aggressive cleaning option for their automotive glass.  Particularly with respect to windscreens or if you are parked outside in high traffic areas a semi-annual use of this product with a foam pad could keep the clarity of your glass in good shape.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Product Review: Rupes Crystal Glass Polish

  1. Robert corsello says:

    My windscreen on my low mileage Audi (26K miles) has some very light pitting only visible looking into a low sun on a clear day. The tiny pits are too small to feel with a fingernail, but they are there and they are irritating. Would this product help reduce their appearance in your opinion, using a DA polisher ? TIA

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Robert – It certainly is worth a shot! It can help with light imperfections, however if it does not help, replacing the windshield will be your only option.

  2. Khan says:

    Can you use this product to clean inside the windows and windshield? Thank you!

    • Reece @ DI says:

      I would not recommend using this product on the interior windows. It is designed to polish imperfections off the exterior, which happen from daily driving.

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