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Product Review: NanoSkin Glide


NanoSkin Glide is a key component in the NanoSkin AutoScrub process and a great quick detailer by itself. Glide not only provides adequate lubrication for the AutoScrub Pads, but it also helps to removes minor contaminants safely, like dust, dirt, fingerprints, bugs, and more! Mist a generous amount of Glide onto the surface and use the AutoScrub Pads to buff off the contaminants with ease. This process will deep clean your finish similar to what a clay bar can do but so much faster. When you are done wipe the surface with a clean Microfiber towel to remove excess product and you’ll have a clean surface with a great shine. Glide dries clear so you can use it on your glass, chrome, plastic, and trim for a quick cleaning and added shine. Don’t forget you can use the NanoSkin Glide as a quick detailer as well so mist it on your paint and wipe with a clean microfiber towel for quick cleanings. The Glide is an incredible value as it can be diluted 7:1 (water:Glide) when used in combination with the AutoScrub Pads, otherwise use it at 10:1 (water:Glide) as a clay lube or quick detailer. Therefore one 16 ounce bottle will create a minimum of one 128 ounces. So if you want a great deal on a high quality product the Glide is a great choice!

I’ve only been testing this product for the past couple months, but already like it quite a bit.  It’s one of the best overall lubricants for decontamination of paint, whether using the AutoScrub pads or standard clay bars.  When I say overall, I’m talking about not only the lubricity of it and ability to prevent marring from occurring on the paint, but also the ability to easily wipe it off without leaving any residue or slick feel on the paint.  Here are the few points I wanted to touch on:


As I said above, it is one of, if not the best, lubricants I’ve tried during decontamination.  It goes on evenly, stays on the paint, doesn’t dry up and provides great lubrication for any media used in decontamination.  I normally use Meguiar’s Final Inspection M34 mixed with water 1:1 or Dodo Juice Born Slippy diluted accordingly, both of which work very well and have worked great over the past few years.  However, while the M34 and Dodo Juice work well, I find that NanoSkin Glide is noticeably better in a few different ways.  I like the fact that little goes a long way and only a few sprays keep the surface lubricated enough to go over a couple times before you need to respray the panel and add more lube.

Wiping Off and Residue

I put these two hand in hand because it’s the residue left behind that sometimes makes wiping off one lube harder than another.  I normally decontaminate vehicles during the wash, whether doing a rinseless wash with ONR or a regular wash, so the residue left behind is a big deal as I don’t want to keep wiping the paint over and over while drying.  M34 is pretty good in this regard as it goes on well over the water to provide good lubrication and wipes off pretty quick.  Dodo Juice Born Slippy on the other hand, while providing great lubricity, is a pain to remove easily.  Whether used before drying the car or on dry paint, it leaves a sort of oily film on the surface that either needs to be wiped off repeatedly or simply ignored only to be polished over at a later stage.  In comes Glide.  Great lubricity, no film left on the surface and very easy to wipe off.  This is also very important for those jobs where no polishing is to be done after the decontamination stage, in which case you don’t want anything left on the paint finish that will be waxed over, nor do you want to keep wiping the residue trying to dry it as it may potentially cause some marring.  As I said, Glide works great in every way and I have been using it ever since I first started testing it.


All in all, I’m very happy with the NanoSkin Glide and have found my new go-to product for decontamination.  I would highly recommend it for any detailer to at least try if they are currently using another product, as I’m sure they’ll keep it in the arsenal.  I guess it’s worth mentioning that I have been using it mainly at the 7:1 ratio, but the 10:1 also provides great lubrication and makes for a good quick detailer.  As an added bonus, it smells very good :).

Thanks for reading!

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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3 comments on Product Review: NanoSkin Glide

  1. James Mendenhall says:

    I recently tried Glide for the first time and arrived at the same conclusion you did. Superior lubricity and it wipes off extremely easily. I was extremely impressed by how well it works even when diluted to the recommended ratios. I have never used a product that dilutes so well yet works as though it isn’t diluted. The price is exceptionally reasonable when you consider how much you get after dilution.

  2. Eric D says:

    How many oz’s of glide into a 32oz spray bottle?
    Thank you,

  3. Roger Carlson says:

    I totally agree. Glide is the best clay lube I have used. I did not know that you could/should dilute it. It still works great though, with easy wipe off. I use it with their Nanoskin clay sponge.

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