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Product Review: Menzerna SF4500

Product Review: Menzerna SF4500

I will never finish another black car without using this stuff!  Simply put, it’s super easy to work with, easy on, easy off (to an extent).  The initial wiping will take care off most of the polish residue, but there will be some left on the paint needing to be cleaned off after.  Instead of wiping to no end, just leave it on there and come back with either IPA or CGEZCG and remove the remainder.

Its a super fine polish designed to enhance the gloss ten fold and remove only the slightest micromarring (pad dependent here).  It’s a “jeweling polish”, not an abrasive one.  If you use meguiars 205, or menzerna powerfinish as your middle step, expect great things from Menzerna SF4500 for your final polish step!

Here is a picture of the difference.  For those black cars, I haven’t used a better finishing polish.  Usually, my middle step is Powerfinish and, sometimes, I can stop there, but not on black cars.  While powerfinish looks good, check out the difference it makes on this Ferrari paint:

(top part with SF4500, bottom part not)

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