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Product Review: Meguiar’s Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801


The Meguiar’s Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801 is a ready-to-use wheel and paint iron remover. Many wheel cleaners like this state they should be diluted when using them on the paint, or don’t recommend it at all. So, a product that can do both safely and effectively is a plus.

For Wheels – This works great. Just like any other spray it on the wheels before rinsing, let it sit and work its magic, agitate and rinse. Be careful not to let it dry and be careful around delicate finishes such as raw polish or ceramic brakes.

For Paint – It does a great job of removing the embedded iron, you can see here how much was on this vehicle.

That smell though? you might want to plug your nose and be in a ventilated area as it’s a bit overwhelming.

Overall it is a great product that seemed to work very well on wheels and paint as described and is essential when removing contamination, especially on white.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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11 comments on Product Review: Meguiar’s Wheel & Paint Iron Decon D1801

  1. Douglas Neeld says:

    Is this a similar product to Sonax full effect for wheels?

    • Reece @ DI says:

      This is more similar to the Sonax Fallout Cleaner or CarPro Iron X.

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Douglas – D1801 is an iron remover while the Sonax Full Effect is a wheel cleaner. Full Effect target dirt, grime and light iron removal while D1801 is simply an iron remover. Can D1801 be used to clean wheels? Yes, however if you are dealing with more than just iron deposits, a dedicated wheel cleaner will work more effectively.

  2. Kenneth Gravely says:

    Does this product work better than iron x

  3. jeremy says:

    I feel that this works just as well as carpro iron-x at a fraction of the price. I have had excellent results with both, but I definitely prefer saving a substantial amount of money by going with the Meguiar’s.

  4. Allan says:

    How does this compare to Meguiars Ultimate All Wheel cleaner? I use this product currently on both my wheels/paint with good success. Is it worth switching? Thanks guys!

    • Reece @ DI says:

      Allan – D1801 is an iron remover and the Ultimate Wheel Cleaner is a wheel cleaner targeted at dirt, grime and slight iron removal.

    • I too use Ultimate All Wheel Cleaner and also have Iron and Paint Decon. I think that the Ultimate works much better and is actually cheaper even though it comes in a 22oz spray bottle as apposed to the gallon of Decon. Price each product and you will see that Ultimate is not only cheaper but is a better product , in my opinion.

  5. Ryan says:

    How does this compare to the Adam’s Iron Remover? I’ve had good success with that.


  6. Ron Ayotte says:

    I’ve tried a lot of iron removers, and Meguiar’s D1810 is the best by far. I put D1801 in a pump sprayer to apply it to wheels and paint.

  7. Sevin says:

    This product works extremely well for cleaning nasty wheels.

    I think there might be some confusion about the chemical makeup. Reece says that it attacks iron only but the folks at Meg has said there is a cleaner package for the grease and grime.

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