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Product Review: Meguiar’s Plastic and Vinyl Coating D45


Do you need to dress an accordion hose in the engine bay? Or maybe a rubber piece you can’t reach? Or the honeycomb grille that was on what would seem like every car from the early 2010’s? The Meguiar’s Plastic and Vinyl Coating is an amazing product for this. I would also like to note that it is just a dressing, and not a ceramic coating.

D45 is great because not only can it reach places you can’t, it can provide a very smooth finish since it is an aerosol. As you can see here there is a significant difference between the dressed and non-dressed plastics here. It does not attract dust in the engine bay and is not greasy at all.

The nozzle also has a variable spray width, which is really nice to help get exactly what you want to cover.

Here is a before picture:

And after, all small hoses and plastics were dressed with D45:

Finish: It has a slight shine to it but it does go down as it dries and a quick wipe with a microfiber will give you the perfect finish.

Durability: It last surprisingly long, but I would not use it over a creme dressing as it does not penetrate the rubber/plastic as much, thus hindering the lifespan.

Ease of Use: Very easy, just spray in light spurts and in a well ventilated room.

Ease of Removal: In regards to overspray, it is much easier to remove then if you accidentally got a creme dressing on an adjacent part. It is also optically clear so if it is in an area that is hard to get to, you won’t have to worry as much about remover the excess.

Grille Before:

Grille After D45 (notice the slight shine):

Grille After Wipedown:

Overall: While I use it as a niche product since the durability is not as much as a standard creme dressing, engine bays and honeycomb grilles specifically are where this product shines for me and is an important part of my arsenal.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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3 comments on Product Review: Meguiar’s Plastic and Vinyl Coating D45

  1. Mike says:

    D4510 is such a great product. Great write up.

  2. John Phillips says:

    I still have cans of Adams In and out spray (old formula), that look similar. Great for hard to reach spots. Will have to try this next.

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