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Product Review: Jescar Tire and Trim Protectant


Jescar Tire and Trim Protectant

Over the years I have learned to favor sealant type products over products with the marketing label of ‘dressing’ for trim and tires.  With respect to all trim and tire products, this may be a fallacy on my part based upon semantics.  But that is the cause of my interest in this new Jescar Tire And Trim Protectant.

With the advancement of trim coatings realistically I did not expect a comparable 6 month to multiple years of performance and extreme chemical resistance from Jescar Tire And Trim Protectant.  I was hopeful to see it hold up longer than your typical dressings and spray on trim products.  So far, this product has exceeded my expectations.  With the low cost, ease of use, and versatility, Jescar Tire And Trim Protectant (Sealant) is proving to be a solid product for what it is.

Application Process:

You want to clean the surface you are applying this to first.  This is the maximum amount (pictured below) I recommend using for a single tire and other areas of the car with similar dimensions, per initial application.  As I went around the car, I would only use half of this amount.



I also would NOT use the same foam applicator for tires as I would for automotive trim and other areas.

I have gotten away with using a little more product than needed on tires by working the product in longer.  Through tests overdoing the amount has been more problematic for trim and engine bay plastics (i.e. hard plastics) with regards to product smearing.

For trim and engine bay plastics, I wait a few minutes to wipe over the area with a dry microfiber towel.  For tires, I will wait a few minutes and briefly wipe over the tire with the same foam applicator.  If you end up using too much product on the tires, I would use a new foam applicator or flip the applicator over to the unused side.  I have not experienced tire sling with this product, but I also do not drive immediately afterwards when dressing tires.

Below is the condition of my tires after a four-hour drive on the interstate.


A second lighter application can boost the durability of the product and deepen the satin-like appearance it creates in all areas.  I can see a difference on the trim where I did not apply a second layer within a month after initial application.

The front cowling area is a beneficial use of this product for two reasons.  It can have a direct path to the sun, depending on how you park.  Being bracketed by the windshield and the engine bay, I suspect it is more susceptible to sun damage (fading).  This rubbery area also does not respond well to EVERY trim coating product, due to the strong solvent carriers in some of the coating products pulling the dyes from the surface.

If I were using a trim coating it would also be even more important to ensure a surgically clean surface.  The product application would require more time and focus.  This is where Jescar Tire And Trim Sealant, a still durable product, can be a little more forgiving compared to a longer lasting coating product.  I have already seen it holding up multiple months on automotive trim.

If you are just taking care of your own cars, this bottle should also last you a very long time.

Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Product Review: Jescar Tire and Trim Protectant

  1. Bill Rinehart says:

    Rodney: Thank you for the helpful review. What will a weekly wash do to the product on the tires? Does it need a new application after a wash? Thanks!

    • Rodney Tatum says:

      Greetings Bill! Sorry for the late reply.

      This is sincerely a challenging question to answer. I genuinely go through with the mentality that a new dressing may be part of every wash process. With that said this seems to have a little bit of added durability to perhaps survive a wash depending on what you use. Although not always the strongest, I tend to use a dedicated (Gyeon Tire Cleaner) on the tires. This may not take it all off, but degrade after the 1st and gone after the 2nd for sure. If you were using regular car soap, I could definitely see the product remaining on the tires.

      Also over a month of daily driving on tires, you may want to redress anyway. That will take a toll.

  2. Michael L says:

    Tried this product on Michelin tires and frankly I was not impressed. Needed more product than I anticipated. Found it to be difficult to apply to tire grooves. I don’t like glossy tire dressing but this product had virtually no sheen. I had better results on hard plastic trim.

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