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Product Review: Jescar Correcting Compound


The Jescar Correcting Compound is another product from Jescar that I was able to test pretty thoroughly on a few different cars.  We used it at the shop how we normally use aggressive polishes, which is with a Lake Country Wool Pad.  However I also tried it out with an orange foam pad as well as a couple microfiber pads just to see what happens.  Overall I enjoyed using Jescar’s Compound and it performed really well compared to other products we use.  Normally we use Meguiar’s M100 as well as M105 for more involved correction, but Jescar Correcting Compound performed really well and we’ve been using that as well.

Unfortunately I lost some of the photos I took showing paint condition right after this compound was used, but it didn’t leave too much haze.  What was left easily corrected using a milder polish and the paint looked pretty perfect after.  We initially used Jescar Correcting Compound on a black Maserati with pretty swirled paint and it cleaned it up really well.  In the photos you’ll see we used a Lake Country Force Orange Pad on the door and a Lake Country Wool Pad on the bumper (bumper was harder to correct due to all the flexing).  The black paint was fairly soft so using this compound with the orange pad was more than enough and the finishing polish cleaned it up really well.

Here’s the bumper that was heavily swirled…

heavily swired bumper

imperfections removed using Jescar Correcting Compound

This is the door which looks just as bad or worse than the bumper but paint here was easier to correct and came out great…

Swirls on door

Swirls removed from door using Jescar Correcting Compound

Another car we corrected with Jescar Correcting Compound was this blue Corvette that was in MUCH worse shape than the Maserati.  Here we used the wool pad on the whole car and did some sections twice.  The finishing stage on the Corvette was much easier due to the harder paint.  Here’s a little 50/50 on the quarter panel…

50/50 shot

This shows the really bad condition of the Corvette paint with swirls, water spots, etc…

swirls in corvette paint

As you can see it corrected to perfection and this is how most of the car came out…

removing swirls with Jescar Correcting Compound

50/50 shot with swirls removed by Jescar Correcting Compound

Overall I’m very happy with Jescar Correcting Compound and will keep using it regularly.  It doesn’t dust as much as some other stuff but also isn’t too aggressive so it’s a perfect compound for anyone to have around the shop.  It’s very beginner friendly and spreads fairly well, has a decent working time and wipes off easily without much residue left behind.  I also liked that it corrects pretty easily with finishing polishes and works on multiple paint types.

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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3 comments on Product Review: Jescar Correcting Compound

  1. db says:

    Hi Ivan, Good review, but I think I like Jescar Correcting Compound better than you. A little surpising especially with you coming from M100/M105. Or maybe its just an adjustment coming from the Meguiar’s stuff? Anyway it’s good stuff and I recommend it. Besides the Jescar, I like are the Oberk and Griot’s Fast Correcting Cream. Between the three, I can’t say I’d be able to tell them all apart in a blind test. My advice is for users just to pick one and run with it.

  2. Dan Chapa says:

    I found the Jescar Correcting Compound to quite a heavy hitter.

    I would often use their Medium to cut and finish with a swap of the pad, but for a turbo boosted cut, I’d pull this stuff out.

    No dust, easy wipe off, super heavy cut, excellent finish.

  3. rlmccarty2000 says:

    All of Jescars polishing compounds work great. I’ve been using them for years. I switched from using Menzerma polishes. Nothing wrong with Menzerma, I just found Jescar cut down on redundancy in the Menzerma line. Using Jescar and Rupes wool pads are a match made in heaven.

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