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Product Review: iK Foam 1.5 Sprayer


After a few weeks with my new iK Foam 1.5 Sprayer, and foaming a small assortment of products, I feel like I can give a pretty accurate review of the tool.

In the box, we received the foamer, instruction manual, a set of filters, and a couple of different tips. The first thing I noticed was the thickness of the molded tank which I believe is HDPE. It’s no doubt bottles, sprayers, tools, etc., get dropped often, so seeing a thick tank was a good first impression. The black handle is also quite thick with very little deflection. This shows overall, durability shouldn’t be an issue long term, even with how rough myself and techs are on these types of tools.

The first thing I put into the foamer was CarPro HydrO2 Foam. I filled up the tank with water and HydrO2 Foam, but only to the top of the fill line at 35oz. A foamer needs the air in the top of the tank to produce thick foam. If overfilled, the performance of the foamer can be compromised. I pumped it up until I felt it had adequate pressure. This is one area I do wish was reinforced a bit better as the shaft molded into the handle is rather flimsy. It’s very flexible which allows it to twist without breaking, but it does feel a little cheap when you’re pumping up the sprayer. This is my only complaint in the entire build of the sprayer. The performance of the sprayer was impressive. It foamed HydrO2 without issue, producing thick foam that lasted on the body of the car.

This foamer has given me a new way to wash wheels, that I absolutely love – Gtechniq W6 foamed. I filled the tank up with diluted W6, pumped, and sprayed on the wheels and brake calipers. The foam helps lift off that loose brake dust and dirt on the wheels, but then when lightly hit again, dwelled for long enough for it to do it’s job and eat the ferrous materials on the wheels and calipers. Overall, very impressed with this technique, and it will be put into our washes from now on.

iK Foam Tips:

The iK comes with 3 tips total. Grey is what’s loaded into the foamer, and it produces the middle ground foam. Not too wet, not too dry. I used this one the most. Orange is for wet foam. It clings well for a long dwell time. Green is a very dry foam – good for things where you want shaving cream consistency. Often times APC on interior components such as carpets, upholstery, etc., can be a great use for the green tip.

Final Thoughts:

This foamer works great. It boasts a high build quality, good working order, and a new way to clean many, many components in the automotive world. For those of you without a pressure washer, living in apartments, or don’t have excessive water access, this foamer is perfect. I am very pleased with it’s results. The only complaints I have is the flimsy pumping action, and the amount of pumping you have to do to continue foaming, although that is the nature of the beast with these foamers. Overall, I think there’s a ton of uses for these things, so let your imagination be the limit!

Isaac Mittlesteadt
Refined Auto Studio
Reedsburg, WI

1 comment on Product Review: iK Foam 1.5 Sprayer

  1. B Stewart says:

    I already had the original size foamer but wanted another so I could have one for the wheels and another for car soap so I decided to purchase the new one. Aside from the larger bottle and a few gimmicks like storing tips in the handle I don’t see much difference. It works just as well as the original so no complaints. Does it really do anything special I don’t think so. I do recommend these for several different purposes 👍.

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