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Product Review: IGL Coatings Ecoclean Clay


Ecoclean Clay

There are a few types of these rubber polymer alternatives to a regular clay bar. They all work well at removing the contamination, it just depends on your preference.

block and towel

So, if we know it is going to work well at removing the contaminates, how is the clay towel to work with? I do like that it has a large surface area. It makes it very easy to clay large panels quickly. Since the leading edges are also microfiber it helps to keep the surface lubricated as you are moving so it doesn’t “catch” on the paint.

Ecoclean Clay

It is a bit messier than the other option as you are doing smaller sections, say a mirror cap, it tends to fling over. It also does not hold as much lubrication as a mitt or even the blocks.

wash bucket

Ecoclean Clay in hand

Ecoclean Clay in use

Ecoclean Clay in use

Ecoclean Clay in use

Overall the Ecoclean Clay is good at its job and if you like the clay towels, this is a product you will really enjoy. However, personally, it is not my favorite form factor to work with (i.e. Blocks & Mitts). The price point is also pretty steep considering the alternatives that perform just as well.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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