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Product Review: Gyeon Leather Cleaner


A proper interior detail is not complete without immaculate leather, and a good leather cleaner will make quick work of even the most filthy leather surfaces.

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

The Gyeon Leather Cleaner will allow you to gently clean your leather so it looks great and feels great. You can easily remove dirt, grime and oily residue with the unique formula that does not contain any softening or preserving additives. This is the perfect product to prep your leather if you want to apply a leather coating like Gyeon Leather Coat afterward.

This driver’s seat has endured about 90,000 miles of use, and to my knowledge has only been maintained by the dealership, so it is my assumption that it has never been properly cleaned.  I also assume that it has likely been wiped down with heavy dressings in lieu of actual cleaning.  It is a common misconception that shiny leather is clean leather, when in fact the exact opposite is true.  This shiny leather is a sign that the seat is covered with years of dirt, grime, bodily oils, and who knows what else.

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

Before I dove into the leather cleaning process, I started by blowing out all of the cracks and crevices with compressed air and then vacuuming up any loose debris.  I then sprayed the Gyeon Leather Cleaner directly onto the seat (note: for perforated leather I would apply the cleaner a bit more sparingly and/or spray the product directly onto my brush to help minimize the amount of cleaner that gets into the perforations).

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

A soft boar’s hair brush was then used to agitate the cleaning solution, producing a nice lather.  This process lifts the dirt from the leather.  I continued working the surface with the brush for maybe a minute or so, rinsing my brush in a bucket of warm water as needed (I wasn’t actually timing each step, just estimating).

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

The seat was then wiped with a damp microfiber towel, followed by a completely dry microfiber towel.  I found the product to be very easy to wipe away.  After just a few passes with my towel, the surface felt nice and clean.  There was no feeling of residual chemicals.

(For a quick overview of several ways to utilize this leather cleaner, check out James Melfi’s video: Leather Cleaning Methods)

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

The leather was now a gorgeous matte finish, indicating a properly cleaned surface that is free of dirt and buildup.  The clean leather is now prepared for your choice of leather protection, such as Gyeon Leather Coat or Leather Shield.

ZRM | Leather Cleaning

Gyeon Leather Cleaner was really a breeze to use.  It made quick, easy work of this dirty seat.  The product has a pleasant scent that is not too strong, and I barely used any product to clean this seat so the bottle will tackle many jobs.  Gyeon claims that this product is safe to use on all modern leathers, and it is gentle enough to be used on top of a leather coating without harming or removing the coating.  This cleaner does not contain any additives such as softeners or preservers, so it is an ideal option to use to prepare a surface prior to applying a leather coating.

This is one of many Gyeon products that I have enjoyed using recently.  In fact, the entire Gyeon product line has really caught my attention, and I am excited to start working through more of their products to review here on the blog.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

8 comments on Product Review: Gyeon Leather Cleaner

  1. Jeff McEachran says:

    Awesome write up Zach!

  2. rick says:

    what would you recommend as a leather coating after cleaning?

  3. Ben B says:

    I recently bought this after using another large name brand for leather cleaning. This out performs anything I have used so far and I have tested a lot . Most others I have used are very sticky. Follow it up with any of the Gyeon Leather protectant/ coatings and you will be happy. Great write up!

  4. Poonej says:

    I have dog drool 🙂 on my leather seats. Wiping with damp towel or even using other leather cleaners did nothing.
    Wonder if this product will work?

  5. I am impressed from this post. I haven’t any word to appreciate this post. Thanks for sharing great information.

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