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Product Review: Gyeon Iron


At my shop we use either the Meguiar’s Iron Decon or CarPro IronX and it’s been that way for years.  I’ve tried a few different products in the past and while some of them were good (Griot’s Garage for example) none were enough for us to make the switch.  I heard good things about Gyeon Iron and of course had to test it out.

Gyeon Iron will help you remove ferrous deposits such as brake dust and rail dust safe and easy! This unique formula is strong enough to remove this tough contamination, yet gentle and pH neutral. This means Gyeon Iron will make quick work of caked-on brake and rail dust, while being safe to apply on your paint, wheels, trim, glass, etc. To apply, start with a cool wet surface and simply spray this product onto the desired area, letting it dwell. After about 60 seconds you will see the formula change to a deep purple. This illustrates that the formula is reacting and removing the deposits that are on the surface or embedded in the finish! Follow up with a rinse and you are all set. What you will be left with is a clean surface, free of iron and brake dust! Remember to never let the product dry on the surface and to thoroughly rinse or wash off once finished. For any heavily soiled areas, we recommend multiple applications and/or agitating with your favorite detailing brush. Grab yourself a bottle of the Gyeon Iron, brake dust won’t thank you, but your car certainly will!

I tested the Gyeon Iron product on a few different wheels as well as paint and it performed really well.  It was definitely a product that impressed right away and worked really well.  The wheels below of which I took pictures don’t look too dirty but they had a lot of small tar and iron contamination, as expected on an Audi.  For these photos I decided to show how Gyeon Iron works without any brushes and mitts, simply spraying it on the wheel, allowing it to break down the deposits, then rinsing off.  Here’s the wheel without us touching it…

Gyeon Iron

I sprayed Gyeon Iron somewhat liberally but didn’t go overboard…

Gyeon Iron Gyeon Iron

It immediately started to break down deposits and it was pretty clear by the color of the wheel…

Gyeon Iron Gyeon Iron

After about 2-3 minutes I rinsed down the wheel to check the results…

Gyeon Iron Gyeon Iron

To my surprise Gyeon Iron removed almost everything that was on there and I was very impressed.  There was a few stubborn specks that needed clay bar but it definitely worked as well as or better than the stuff we currently use.  After going through the bottle on multiple vehicles I decided to dig a bit more into comparing it with the Meguiar’s and CarPro products we had in bulk.

As a shop we buy bigger containers of everything we use regularly, so the gallon or 4L in this case.  Meguiar’s Iron Decon is around $0.63 and CarPro IronX $0.74 per ounce.  Gyeon Iron comes in around $.81/oz, so it’s the most expensive of them all.  Overall the price is just about the same compared to IronX when buying bulk as it’s only a $10 difference for a 4 Liter container, but definitely noticeably higher than Meguiar’s.

I would have to do a lot more testing and possibly even testing that I’m not capable of in order to compare these 3 and say if one is better over the other, worth the extra cost, etc.  From my experience Gyeon Iron is definitely worth the price and it will be in my rotation of iron removers alongside of IronX and Meguiar’s.  I doubt anyone will be disappointed with the great performance or slighly higher price so if you’re on the fence about it I have no problem recommending it.

I’ll leave you with a photo where I sprayed one of the wheels a second time after letting it sit for 3-4 minutes.  You can clearly see how much stuff was stuck on the surface!

Gyeon Iron

Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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