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Product Review: Griot’s Garage THE BOSS DA Polishers


Introducing THE BOSS! Welcome To The New Griot’s Garage!

What do I mean by the “New” Griot’s Garage? Well, up until now I have always viewed Griot’s in the same vein as companies such as Zaino and Adams; while I know they have a niche selection of great products, I’ve always viewed them as “enthusiast” brands. But, with this new BOSS system, I feel Griot’s Garage has stormed into the professional market, like THE BOSS™! 🙂

Seriously though, I think you will be impressed not only with these new tools, but with the system as a whole! In this particular review I will only focus on the tool, but be sure to check out my review on Griot’s BOSS™ pads and polishes as well.

Video Review

Background Story: Meeting Jeff Brown

Rewinding back to June 2014, I received a random email from Jeff Brown of Griot’s Garage. Jeff introduced himself, shared his industry experience and explained his role within Griot’s. Jeff spent 17 years working for Meguiar’s, which obviously got my attention! Another key tidbit from this email piqued my interest; that Jeff happened to live just a short 15 minutes from me. After exchanging a few emails we arranged a time to meet and discuss detailing stuff, over a few beers of course, and the rest was history! Throughout the rest of the summer Jeff provided me with a variety of previously released products for testing and the provision of feedback. When Jeff asked whether I’d be interested in testing development products, admittedly I was only mildly enthusiastic initially. Between the commitments of working at my full time job and detailing part-time. I’m afforded precious little free time for testing, but I was curious to see what Griot’s had been concocting over in Tacoma, Washington, so I agreed to take on the challenge. Fast-forward to last December when Jeff asked if I had time to preview and test some”stuff.” I set aside a weekend and lined up a test car. When Jeff pulled the tools from his bag it was like Santa Claus himself was handing me the best Christmas gift ever; I was totally blown away!  But enough about all that, let’s get onto the actual review! 🙂

Product Review:

Product Description (From Griot’s)

Designed to perfection in Tacoma, Washington, THE BOSS™ is the most innovative orbital ever! These tools are built right, using the best of the best in materials and manufacturing methods! Packing 900 watts of muscle, THE BOSS™ Long-Throw Orbitals combine a perfect balance of performance, control, and comfort. Prepare for unparalleled polishing effectiveness!
Griot’s Garage™ offers up two configurations: THE BOSS™ G15 has a 15mm orbit and THE BOSS™ G21 has a 21mm orbit. That’s an 87% and 162% difference, respectively, in orbit throw between THE BOSS™ tools and a conventional 8mm random orbital. The G15 comes equipped to use our BOSS™ 5” pad system and is recommended for experienced enthusiasts or detailers. The more aggressive G21 is set up for our BOSS™ 6” pad system and is recommended for professional detailers.
Built to withstand tough professional use or weekend use at home in your garage, THE BOSS generates consistent torque regardless of user technique, encourages the fast pad rotation rates needed to power away the deepest defects, and ensures smooth, low-vibration operation.

Product Details
  • 900 watt, 7.5 amp motor
  • Precision-machined, steel counterbalance
  • Premium NSK™ bearings throughout
  • Variable speed, instant on trigger/throttle
  • Quick access brush side ports
  • Ergonomic design
  • Double-shot rubber grips on the main handle, body and head
  • 15mm offset on the G15, 21mm offset on the G21
  • Interchangeable 5″ and 6″ backing plates (G15 comes with the 5″, G21 comes with a 6″)
  • Stainless steel washer included in tool pouch (ships uninstalled)
  • Price G15/G21 (MSRP): $365/$385
Thoughts and Observations

I’ve been using these two polishers exclusively since December 2014 and, for reference, my previous go-to tools were the Rupes 21/15. When Jeff handed over the new Griot’s tools, I was blown away! These were clearly not just re-branded, off-the-shelf polishers, but completely new and redesigned from the ground up. In your hands, the heft indicates that these are well-built tools, comparable to my German-built Flex PE14 rotary. The edges are rounded, making the tool very comfortable to hold and reinforcing the significant consideration that has gone into each component of THE BOSS™. Unlike other tools I’ve seen, the rubber grips  on THE BOSS™ are not hard or plastic-feeling, but a nice, comfortable rubber you’d want and expect. The trigger is variable-speed and instant-on, which are a welcome features. The main handle fits perfectly in your hand and the lock placement can be set effortlessly; attesting to thoughtfulness of design. Side-by-side with my comparable Rupes, THE BOSS™ offer noticeably more power and are more resistant to stalling over curved panels. With respect to vibration, I didn’t really notice a difference between Rupes and Griot’s tools, both are very smooth. The Griot’s tools are a hair heavier and while the sound of the tools have a lower (cooler sounding) tone, the actual volume “may” be a tad louder. In my opinion, given the more-powerful motor, quality bearings and construction,  the weight and sound are an inconsequential trade off for greatness.

  • Solid, very well -built tool
  • High-quality components
  • Comfort
  • Ergonomic
  • Variable speed
  • Instant start
  • Speed control
  • Power cord quality
  • Heat-management backing plate
  • Overall power of the tool
  • Slightly Heavier
  • Slightly Louder

Tool Images

Griot's BOSS Polisher

Exploded tool image
Griot's BOSS Polisher Exploded View

Backing plate removed, counter balance shown
Griot's BOSS Polisher backing plate removed

Brush replacement

Griot's BOSS Polisher brush replacement

Counter balance assembly

Griot's Boss Counter Balance Assembly

Premium NSK bearings

Griot's Boss Polisher Premium NSK bearings

Backing plate

Griot's BOSS Polisher Backing Plate

D handle (Optional accessory)
Griot's BOSS Polisher D handle

Side handle (Optional accessory)
Griot's BOSS Polisher side handle

Me working THE BOSS™. Jeff Brown is a camera ninja, always taking pics without me knowing it!

Chad Raskovich testing Griot's BOSS Polisher

Controlled defect removal testing with a the BOSS system

Chad Raskovich testing Griot's BOSS System for controlled defect removal

Comparing the Rupes and Griot’s tool with some various pads

Griot's BOSS compared to Rupes

Conclusion, final thoughts:

I know the number one question I’ll probably get is, “Should I buy a Griot’s or a Rupes?” Let me be very clear by saying that I love my Rupes tools! Rupes was the first to market with large-throw DA machines and they have served me very well for over 2.5 years now. If you have a Rupes large-throw DA now you probably won’t realize a significant benefit by purchasing a Griot’s tool, as both will ultimately achieve the same end-goal. However, I feel the G15 and G21 are better tools in every way and if you are in the market for a new large-throw DA, my opinion is that THE BOSS™ just raised the bar to a significantly higher standard and threw down the DA gauntlet. The detailing industry has been exploding with great products, tools, and innovation over the past few years, fueled by a drive for excellence and thirst for competition and the top spot on the podium. Thus, with the release of these new Griot’s tools, I’m somehow reminded of the long history of the Camaro vs. the Mustang. Your move Rupes! 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to read my review and be sure to check out other BOSS™ reviews by Greg Gellas!

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

52 comments on Product Review: Griot’s Garage THE BOSS DA Polishers

  1. Hi Rasky,

    A couple of questions.

    Where is the machine made?

    What is the warranty like?

    • Hey Hamza. The tool is made in the same place as the GG6, but this tool was designed by the Griot’s team to their standards and built in China. It’s not just an off the shelf tool and the quality is too notch.

      Warranty is 2 years but factory defects would be lifetime. I believe it’s posted on the Griot’s site and they have always stood behind their products.

  2. John K. says:

    I am little confused with the backing plates.will the G15 accommodate the 5 and 6 inch plate. Or just the 5 in.


  3. rick says:

    The BOSS series looks amazing like the Rupes series to include the modified washer issue with the rubbing face plate. What are the differences if any other than place of manufacture? Italy vs China

    • Hey Rick,

      I feel that pretty much every feature of the tool is an improvement over the Rupes in term of ergonomics, comfort, and performance. my video above covers most of it. 😉

  4. Paul says:

    Chad–Thanks for the initial review of the new Griot’s polishers–excellent as always. I’ve been waiting on these for the past two years and it seems Griot’s has more than met my expectations (had hoped for lower price but the price does seem justified). I just do my own cars (two VW’s with rock hard clear) and on occasion a friend’s or family member’s car so saving allot of time is not important. But would appreciate a reduction in the number of passes, the need for little to no vibration and no need to apply pressure. I’m leaning toward the 15 since I’d like to be able to use my existing Buff & Shine 5.5″ pads to compensate for the higher price of the polisher. My current Gen 2 Griot’s will be fitted permantly with my 3.5″ backing plate and 4″ pads for the tight bits.

    Would appreciate your opinion- would the 15 meet my needs and have you used the 15 with Buff & Shine pads and how did they perform?? Thanks!!

    • Hey Paul,

      The 21 machine will see the biggest improvement in correction speed and you can always get the 5″ plate to go on it too. However, the 15 will also still see a noticeable increase in time savings and especially comfort over the GG6. I want to say the 15 is probably a better option for you, but If you were doing this for money more often the 21 would be my recommendation.

      I did try a few of the B&S pads out but it was mostly doing side by side testing of rotation and stalling between the Rupes and Griot’s. If I wasn’t using the Griot’s pads I was usually using Meg’ MF and the new foam discs. The B&S will work perfectly fine, but I would encourage you to try out the Griot’s pads too or even the Megs discs. 😉

  5. Paul says:

    Chad–you got me thinking. For about $45 more than the G15 I can get a G21 with a 5″ backing plate. While I don’t do allot of cars and mine are always in good shape with only minor swirls, I’m wondering if I should just get the G21 with the 5″ BP.

    What are your thoughts??

    • Paul- The G21 with a 5″ is going to be the most aggressive set up which will make quick work of anything you throw at it. The G15 is better for finishing around certain tight areas (door handles, mirrors, moldings) because of it’s shorter throw, and overall a more versatile machine. However, you can just use your GG6 for those few areas as you’ll need it anyway on pretty much every car to do the bumper covers and areas like A and B pillars.

      I still think the G15 is probably a better option for you, but I reach for my G21 probably 90% of the time. Not sure if that helps answer your question, or makes it harder. 😉

  6. Mike @ DI says:

    Nice article Chad!

  7. Moheb Hanna says:

    Hi Chad
    Excellent introduction to the new polishers from GG. I would like to ask you few questions:
    1- when do you think I need to use the pad interface between a foam pad and the backing plate. Do you think the interface pad will add weight to the machine which may introduces some vibrations during operation.??

    2- Can I use the new Megs foam pads instead of GG pads. Did you test the new Megs foam pads with the new GG polisher?


    • Hi Moheb,

      1. There is no hard fast rule on when to use the Innerflex, but typically you’ll only need it on very concave shaped panels. If you come across such a panel where is stalls rotation or the backing plate looks like it could make contact with the paint, I would throw on the Innerflex pad. I lot of time was spent ensuring that the Innerface would not throw off the balance of the tool. There were several iterations we went through with hole size, location, and number of hole to get it just right. I find it actually makes polishing feel smoother, but this is likely just from the added cushion and not a reduction in tool vibration.

      2. Definitely! I only had so many Griot’s pads during testing so I often had to use my Megs foam discs when I ran out of clean Griot’s pads. They are very similar in design and both solid options. 😉


  8. Tommie hall says:

    How does the megs mt300 compare to the boss 15 I have a 2015 corvette and generally would use a polisher for swirl removal , water spots, and minor scratches associated with daily driving of a sports car

    • Hi Tommie,

      I feel that’s kind of an Apples to Oranges comparison. I’ve only had my MT300 for a short while and with limited use, but at the end of the day it’s still and 8mm offset machine where the G15 has a 15mm offset. The MT300 is very light and seems like a nice tool so far, but it would be more in line with the Griot’s traditional 6″ DA machine. In terms of correction speed, comfort, and smoothness, the G15 is superior. I do like the new rotary style form factor of the MT300 though and you can also put a 3″ backing plate on the MT300 for working on those tighter hard to reach areas.

      The MT300 is the more versatile machine and it should do everything you need it to do with the addition of a 3″ backing plate, it will just take longer and have a little more vibration. BTW, I should have a review on the MT300 coming in the next month or two.

      That being said, virtually every car out there will require some amount of intricate polishing work with smaller 3″-4″ pads (1″-2″ in some cases), assuming you care about those areas, and for this reason I’m a strong believer that large throw tools like the G15, G21 and even the Rupes equivalent, all require the need for a additional tool to tackle those ares. If you only want one machine to do it all, I’d suggest going with one of the 8mm DA machines Detailed Image sells (PCXP, GG6, MT300) and getting the various backing plates/pads. You could always add a large throw machine at a later date. As detailers we like to have a vast array of tools, each set up to tackle the areas they’re best suited for. Another way of looking at it would be saying a mechanic could just use a crescent wrench for loosening all the nuts & bolts, but a nice set of Snap-On wrenches, ratchets, and sockets sure would be better. 😉

      Hope this helps,

  9. Moheb Hanna says:

    Hello Chad,
    one more question I forgot to ask – is any difference between G15 & G21 in terms of vibration; which one is more smooth. Also, when do you used G21 with the 5 inch did you feel any difference from the balance and vibration stand points. Thanks much for your help.


    • Hey Moheb,

      A lot of time went into making sure both tools were balanced and very smooth regardless of which plate is used. If there is a difference in vibration, I personally haven’t been able to detect. I tend to keep the 5″ plate on the G15 and the 6″ plate on the G21, but I know some of the testers prefer the 5″ plate on the G21 and a few have said it runs a tad smoother that way too.


  10. Bruce says:

    Hi Chad, Great review of the new Griot’s machines. Hearing that Griots was working on a new machine & them came out w/ these really blew me away, wow. Be a no brainer for a pro looking for a new machine. For me, Looking for a machine similar to the pc/megs110v2/GG6, but smoother, like the Rupes Duetto, then there’s the MT300. Whats your thoughts of the MT300 vs the Duetto? Thank you for your input, Chad. Bruce

    • Thanks Bruce!

      Unfortunately, I haven’t used the Duetto yet so I can’t really offer any real comparison or input on it. The majority of the detailers I know who’ve tried the Duetto where underwhelmed, but then again they were comparing it to the Rupes 15/21 machines. It’s is a 12mm offset tool so I’d expect more correction out of it.

      My time on the MT300 is limited to just one car and I haven’t compared it side by side with my PCXP, G110v2, or GG6. Base on my initial use it seemed like it had less vibration, is definitely lighter, but I can’t say I noticed any more power over my other 8mm tools. I really need more time with it though.

      Wish I could be more help. 🙁


  11. Tomato says:

    Have Only been using GG6 DAs for my work. Tried Flex VRG3401 sold both of them as they didn’t work well at all with MF pads. Tried PC from a friend was way under powered. Tried Rupes 15 from local vendor but it kept bogging down and stalling felt as it needed more power. Also Rupes has no warranty so for a full time Detailer I need a warranty to back up that kind of money, lifetime preferred. Then one day I get home and get an email from Griots about The BOSS. Right then and there I picked up the phone, called them and asked them the 2 most important questions to me that is…1) Lifetime Warranty? 2) Power?

    Once they said Lifetime Warranty and 900W of Power I ordered the 21 Model with 2 GG MF Cutting Pads. So far I’ve only tried it with Meg’s And LC foam polishing pads. Wow was I blown away with smoothness and its cut. Even with foam finishing it still cut quite nicely and better than I expected. Real test will be once new MF cutting pads arrive later this week. Have plenty of German paint waiting to test them on. Very anxious to get pads in to start using The BOSS21 as my main go to buffer for correction. I currently own three GG 6″ buffers. One with 5″ backing plate mostly used to cut with, Next one with 6″ CG’s backing plate to finish and wax with, and third buffer as backup to the backup. Being full time Detailer I typically go thru these DAs in about a year or so like clockwork. Again this is where peace of mind and the reason I ONLY use GG DAs because not if but when they break one phone call to Griots and I send broken one in and they send me new one back. To me this matters and its reason I never jumped on the Rupes bandwagon as No warranty to back them up. For weekend warrior ok but for me no way Jose!!

    Griots and Tomato happy collaboration!!

  12. Robert McCarty says:

    I think the GG machines will perform similar to the Rupes Bigfoot Series and if the price drops down to the level of the Maxshine ($299) it will attract many customers away from the brute force of the Flex 3401. I have the Rupes 21 and the mini and can say without any reservations they are the best machines I have ever tried. I could never go back to the Flex, just too much vibration for long term use. The one handed operation of the Rupes is what makes it special and I can see why GG copied the design when outsourcing a machine to put their name on. Good luck to GG, but you need to clarify your guarantee. People are thinking it is a lifetime guarantee with no exceptions. It is actually a normal guarantee against bad workmanship which will calm the nerves of prospective buyers of Chinese made goods. If the price drops I will be first in line to get a cheap 15 mm to go with my Rupes 21 and Mini. Maybe something in the $150 range to get my heart pumping!

    • How’s this for clarification?

      We wanted to shed some light on the recent change to our warranty policy.

      Traditionally, Griot’s Garage primary focus has been the “pro-sumer”/weekend-warrior/DIY guy looking for the best and safest orbital for their needs. Our old warranty reflected that focus. When purchasing from Griots Garage direct, our 6-month money back guarantee was and still is no-questions asked, if you don’t like it or want it, send it back. Money back. Done. After that, the tool (or any other Griot’s Garage product) is cover for life against defect excluding normal wear and tear which has always been handled at the company’s discretion.

      With BOSS, the focus has changed. THE BOSS is a more professional-grade tool and it needed a professional-grade warranty. We designed THE BOSS tools with the biggest motor around, premium NSK bearings, exceptional ergonomics and more because you guys and gals run your tools 8 hours-per-day, 7 days-a-week. Normal wear and tear has a much different meaning to you! The 6-month Money Back Guarantee stays the same, the lifetime warranty against defect stays the same. What’s been added is an industry-best, “bumper-to-bumper” warranty covering defect AND normal wear and tear for 2-years. As long as you don’t throw it off the roof of your shop or garage or drag it down the road, we’ve got you covered!

      We are and always have been committed to serving our customers. The additional 2-year warranty has been added specifically for those of you who depend on your on your machines every day. Hopefully this clears up any confusion.”

  13. Arvin says:

    I watched your review, great info, I am confused about what is your opinion for the included washer. I was not sure if you were for using it or not?

    • Hey Arvin,

      I definitely use the washer in my tools and in my opinion it should just come that way. 😉


      • J.R. Williams says:

        question for you Chad, I just got the G15, I haven’t used it yet and it’s my 1st DA. Anywho the manual says the washer mod is only recommended for experts. Seeing how I’ve only used 1 DA for about 30 minutes during a class I took at Meguiars. Would you recommend I do the mod before I use it? Also, I read a few reviews that said with thicker pads it wasn’t as smooth as with thin ones, would you agree with that? I ordered Scholl Concepts Spider Pads, which aren’t thin like the Meg or Griot ones.

        BTW excellent review! I can’t wait to use mine 😀

        • Hi J.R,

          I don’t agree with the manual in that aspect and I personally don’t like that the shroud is designed to contact the backing plate at all. Adding the washers should allow the backing plate to spin freely, which I feel is a must for blowing out pads and it also frees up power that was unnecessarily being robbed from the tool. I would simply suggest starting out on a test panel or beater car until you’re comfortable with the tool. Starting at a lower speed would be a good idea and be sure to always turn the tool off before picking it up off the paint and never turn it on until it’s on the paint. With the washers installed you should be doing correcting on speed 4-4.5 and finishing on speed 3-4. The only time I ever bump the speed up is if the curvature of the panel starts to stall rotation. With the washers removed you’ll likely need to increase the tool speed to get the same results, which is just silly IMO. As I mentioned in my video, it’s like driving your car around with the ebrake on. 😉

          Any change in weight can offset the balance of the tool. The BOSS backing plates and the pads are all weighted to optimize balance of the machine so anything outside of the system may slightly increase vibration, but it should be pretty minimal and is still words smoother than tools like the PCXP, GG6, or the Flex 3401.

          I hope this helps! Thanks for the kind words and enjoy your new tool! 🙂


  14. Russ says:

    Hi Chad,

    Thanks for the review. I wonder if you’d comment on what factors to consider in selecting a 15mm or 21mm offset for those of us that can only afford one? I took a look at he buffer guide and nothing specific was mentioned. Is it simply that the 21mm is more aggressive than the 15mm? I suppose this would apply to Rupes as will as Griot’s BOSS.


    • Hey Russ,

      The G21 is the work horse. With it’s longer throw it will correct faster than the G15 so it’s ideal for users who do this as a full time job. That longer throw can also be more limiting when it comes to tighter areas. If you’re more of a weekend warrior or just want a better tool to work on your own cars, the G15 offers more flexibility with it’s shorter through and it will still correct faster than your typical 8mm offset tools. Both tools will still require an additional tool for the tight areas where 3″ and 4″ pads are needed so keep that in mind as well. Yes, the same would apply for Rupes.

      If you detail for money I would suggest the G21 and the addition of the 5″ backing plate for when you want to use 5″ pads.

      Hope this helps,

      • Jon says:

        Chad, great review!
        Did you try any other liquids when using the Boss 21? I’m curious how the machine worked with different pads and compounds/ polishes.
        Thanks and hope to hear back!

        • Hi Jon,

          Yes, definitely! Just like the Rupes tools you should have no trouble using just about any pad polish combo out there. That being said, pads designed for the large throw tools should work best. All polishes I tried from Griot’s, Meguiar’s, HD/3D, Menzerna, and Optimum, all worked very well.

          • Jon says:

            Thanks for the reply!!!! Means a lot! Do you consider a large throw more beneficial than forced rotation: everything else being equal? IE, Flex 3401 Vs large throw polishers…

  15. Hey Jon,

    Keep in mind opinions on large throw vs. the Flex 3401 will be all over the place and a lot of it comes down to personal preference.

    All things being equal, same pad, same polish, I believe the large throw tools will out perform the Flex in both correction speed and finishing ability. While the Flex is mechanically limited to 480rpms, the large throw tools are free spinning and capable of much faster rotation on a flat surface, which makes up the majority of vehicles surfaces. The Flex will make up some ground when it comes to concave surfaces, but I still prefer m yG21/G15.

    I had my Flex 3401 for about 18 months before selling it. I felt it was a very nice and capable machine, but it just wasn’t for me, and this was prior to the release of large throw tools, which are way smoother and have less vibration.

    Actually, not that I think about it more the Flex may have an edge on correction speed when paired with a wool pad, which is something you don’t see used very much on traditional or large throw DA’s because of the amount of drag, and I no longer have my Flex to do a comparison. Foam or MF, I’ll put my money on my G21 all day long! 😉

    Hopes this helps,

    • Jon says:

      Thanks! keep up the great reviews and I wish you continued success!

    • Jon says:

      Chad, thanks for the quick responses. Coming from a true professional, it’s greatly appreciated! Can you give your opinion re hand felt vibration and smoothness when comparing your go to Rupes 21 vs the Griots 21? Griots claims that its the smoothest machine with less vibration when compared to the rest of the competition. Thanks!

      • Hi Jon,

        I think you meant it was “Rupes” claiming to be the smoothest machine with less vibration when compared to the competition. 😉

        I am aware of the thread you’re referring too and if you look you’ll see where I asked if there was accelerometer testing data backing up such a claim. You’ll also see how Rupes response to my question was filled with a bunch of other random information, which in my opinion seemed to try and divert readers attention from my actual question, while never directly answering it. I have nothing to gain by this one way or the other, my only intent is to try and deliver honest and unbiased reviews so other detailers can better decide which tool or products are best for them. During my testing I held both tools on my flat test pans, one in each hand (I switched hands too), I used various 3rd party pads on both as well as the system pads on each, speed setting both tools were the same speed and I simple could not detect a difference. The other testers I spoke to were of the same opinion as me and if you look at some of the other reviews over on Autogeek you will even see some other users saying they felt the BOSS was smoother than their Rupes.

        My opinion is both Rupes and Griot’s are excellent tools, both tools are very smooth with far less vibration than any of the 8mm tools and you simply can’t go wrong with either one. I do however feel the Griot’s designed a more comfortable tool and improved several features (outlined in my review) that make me believe its the better overall tool. I simply couldn’t detect a deference smoothness and vibration and if there is one it’s very minimal and probably only detectable with an expensive accelerometer.

        Hope this helps,
        Rasky 🙂

  16. Alex Alanis says:

    Hi Chad, excellent review.

    I have some questions for you. Between both G15 & G21, did you feel any difference on Heat Managment? I mean, how hot was the paint and the pad on both machines after using them? I heard that this BOSS polishers generate more heat through pads and paint than RUPES ones, is this true?

    Thank you

    • Hi Alex,

      That’s actually the first time I’ve heard of anyone saying the BOSS generates more heat on the paint and pads than a Rupes does…I’m curious where you heard this?

      I’ve not personally noticed any difference in paint/pad temps between the G15 and G21, but I’m also using them properly. Heat management is about the user in my opinion, not the tool. Running the tool flat out on speed 6, using on saturated pad on the whole car, along with excessive pressure, is not the correct way to polish a car. There are a lot of factors that contribute to heat generation in these tools, but used correctly, I see no reason the BOSS would generate more paint or pad temps when used in the same fashion as the Rupes. I believe a 5″ pad will typically generate more heat since all that energy is focused on a smaller footprint, however the G21 should generate more rotation than the G15, which should also increase heat. For those reasons I feel the difference in heat between the G15 with a 5″ pad and the G21 with a 6″ pad should be pretty similar. The G21 with a 5″ pad will likely generate the most heat given the smaller footprint and higher rotation. All this can be kept in check though by simply staying on lower speeds and swapping out pads occasionally. I’ve never had a pad fail on either of my BOSS tools and I can’t recall a pad failure on my Rupes 15 or 21 either.

      With the above being said, there is a difference in the head temperatures between the Rupes and BOSS tools, which I have seen several users comment on. Given the BOSS tools do have a large motor, I’m not all that surprised by it and I’ve really only noticed it feeling warm on hotter days and heavy correction use. They should never be uncomfortable to hold or hot by any means and in fact my Flex tools have always run warmer than my BOSS tools do. Again, heat management of the pads and paint is more on the user and I can generate high paint temps and grenade a pad on my PCXP if I wanted to. 😉

      Hope this helps, 🙂

  17. ken bence says:

    I am getting a 15 and people have told me to get extra washers for it. Do i need them and if I do where can i get them.

    Thank You


    • Hi Ken,

      This is due to some very slight variation in the shroud from tool to tool. Some users have found that the supplied washer was not adequate in giving proper clearance and others have been fine. Griot’s has been shipping them with 2 washers for a while now, which should be enough, but IMO they should have just changed the thickness of the washer. :/

      Just as an FYI, when I tested these tools washers were not supplied or even planned to my knowledge. It was recommended by the testers who were already using Rupes tool with washers installed. Actually, some of us recommended doing away with the shroud interference all together, but since this tool will be used by novice and advance detailers, Griot’s felt it needed to be there and chose to supply washers. All testers either purchased our own $.10 washer, or we simply borrowed one from our Rupes machines and did not see how thin the Griot’s washers were until after go live. You should be able to pick up a washer at any hardware store if the supplied washers don’t allow the backing plate to spin freely.

      Hope this helps,

  18. Frederick Johnson says:

    I appreciate the above test and honest evaluation(s). It was not clear to me if the Rupes machines were the newer II series which have more power. Would you clarify this for me please.

    • Hi Fredrick,

      My review was based on the previous generation on the Rupes machine and was done well before The Mark II was announced or released. The new Mark II does and as significant amount of power over the previous machine.


  19. Peyton says:

    Hi Chad-
    I am stuck between the Boss G15 and a Cyclo Pro. Any comments or feeling towards either?

    • Hi Peyton,

      Unfortunately I can’t answer that one as I’ve never tried the Cyclo, nor have I ever considered trying it. To me it just seems to big and clunky and it reminds me of the old Kirby vacuum cleaner my mom had when I was a kid. That being said I know a lot of people who love the tool very much and it is said to be very smooth. I just feel the dual head design limits what areas it can reach.

      Wish I could be more help,


  20. Dylan says:

    Hi Chad,

    I recently purchased the g21, pads and crèmes and got a chance to test them out on my dad’s truck. Needless to say I was thrilled with the results. The difference was night and day and the tool was fantastic to use (In fact your YouTube video was one of the factors that convinced me to buy the tool).

    My question for you is about use with an extension cord. When I bought this tool it was to upgrade from a porter cable, and after doing some research, I found out they recommended a specific gauge of extension cord to use with the machine.

    Do you know if the g21 should be used with a specific gauge extension cord?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Hi Dylan,

      Glad to hear you’re happy with the tool and the polishes! 🙂

      I spoke briefly with Jeff Brown and he suggest using at least a 14 gauge extension cord but also said it has to do with how long it is. I’m pretty sure the ones I use are all 14 gauge, possible even 12 gauge.


      • Dylan says:

        I appreciate the quick response

        I don’t plan on using a cord any longer than 25 feet, so if that and a gauge of 14 would be satisfactory it should be all I need.

        Thanks again,


  21. Richard Manrique says:

    Dear Chad – thank you for all of your very professional and helpful reviews – always a pleasure to read.
    I started with an older PC 7424 then upgraded to a ChemGuys Torq 10FX 8mm throw machine for greater power (700 watts). I am considering an upgrade to a BOSS15 or 21. The 10FX has noise and vibration levels similar to PC7424 but never stalls. I will relegate the 10FX to 3in pads for detail work. Would the GG15 with a 5 in pads have reduced noise and vibration vs. the PC. I’m just an enthusiast so the 15mm seems like a more controllable upgrade than the 21mm. Would the 21mm with 5in pads still be very controllable – should enthusiasts not be intimidated by 21mm’s? I have Nissan 370 and Rogue both in Jet Black – looking to polish out once every 18 mos and re-coat with Optimum Gloss Coat. Thanks in advance for your help.

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