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Product Review: Griot’s Garage PFM Microfiber Towels


There are many brands and types of microfiber towels on the market, but only one line is called Pure Freakin’ Magic (or PFM for short) by Griot’s Garage.

Now this is a tall order to live up to, I mean I know AT LEAST 2 card tricks, so I know a thing or two about magic. For this review, we tested 4 different towels in the PFM line:

Terry Weave Drying Towel (25″ X 35″)

GlossAngeles - PFM Terry Drying Towel

  • Price per Towel – $38.99
  • Drying Ability – Wow. Just wow. I normally use only waffle weave for drying so I was amazed the way this dried the water. It hardly felt wet after the whole car was dry. This is great as I was never a huge fan of the waffle weaves not being as soft but haven’t found a towel that could dry like one. Problem solved
  • Size – It is a very good size. Large enough to do a quick job, but not too big that it is hard to maneuver.

Wax Removal Towel (9″ X 9″)

GlossAngeles - PFM Wax Removal Towel

  • Price per Towel – $5.75
  • Linting – This towel doesn’t even know the word linting.
  • Wax Removal Performance – It did a good job. The fibers are short enough to give a good bite, but long enough to not load up with product quickly.
  • Detail Spray Removal Performance – Did well also, the longer fibers allow the product to soak in as not to move around and streak.
  • Size – I thought it was way too small but it actually makes for a very easy to use towel. It is basically the size of a towel folded in 4ths.

GlossAngeles - PFM Wax Removal Towel Size

Dual Weave Glass Towel (9″ X 9″)

GlossAngeles - PFM Gloss Towel Weave

  • Price per Towel – $6.25
  • Size – The small size was perfect for cleaning inside windows (and outside) since you did not need to fold it, there was no layers to move around on each other so the towel stays flat.
  • Cleaning Ability – Very good job. Glided very smoothly and cleaned a dirty window with ease.
  • Streaking – Great as well. No streaks and the size had a lot to do with that as well.

GlossAngeles - PFM Terry Towel Size

Terry Weave Towel (16″ X 16″)

GlossAngeles - PFM Terry Towel Weave

  • Price per Towel – $11.50
  • Wax Removal Performance – VERY good. The tight terry weave is out of this world good. Had no problem buffing of a multitude of products with minimal effort.
  • Detail Spray Removal Performance – Great. The fibers soak up quickly as too not leave any streaks. Even with CarPro Reload, which can be a bit finicky to apply/remove.

Overall – Griot’s said it best, “Pure Freakin’ Magic”.

Ian Martinez
Gloss Angeles
Irvine, CA
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5 comments on Product Review: Griot’s Garage PFM Microfiber Towels

  1. John says:

    I have used many manufacturers of microfiber towels and by far these specific Griot’s towels are the absolute best. They may cost a little more but worth the investment……

  2. Jeff says:

    Where did you get the large PFM for $22.99. That is a great price.

  3. Ray Scott says:

    Griots products are over priced which is why I buy from DI. I get their products faster and pay less shipping. This towel costs twice as much as the waffle weave towels I have been using for years. No thanks.

  4. Billy Foster says:

    Griots products are worth every penny and the PFM towels are in a league of their own. They aren’t cheap but when your looking for quality, they are awesome. The PFM drying towel is by FAR the best drying towel to date. I can see why so many people are raving about them. I have the whole PFM line and will never go back to inferior microfiber towels again.

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