Product Review: Einszett 1Z Gummi Pflege Stift Rubber Care Stick
by Greg GellasA common area that can be missed are the seals, including the door, hood, and trunk seals. A perfect product for this area is the Einszett Rubber Care Stick. Although, don’t just limit the use of this product there. It is great for any type of rubber trim.
According to Einszett:
“Conditions rubber weather stripping on car doors, windows and trunk lids reducing squeaks, rattles, wind noise and water leaks. Protects and keeps the rubber elastic. Restores color to dried out rubber. Protects against extreme temperature and UV rays. Solvent-free, water-based formula. Easy-to-use shoe polish type applicator makes application simple without the mess.”
One of the really nice things about this product is that it is water-based. A solvent based product can brown rubber, attract dust, and can actually dry out rubber.
Before every application, I like to give the seals a cleaning. I use Optimum Power Clean for this, spraying a MF towel and then wiping the the seals clean. This is done so the foam applicator, on the top of the bottle, doesn’t get dirty, possibly transferring dirt from one car to another, and just making for an ugly applicator. Although the Gummi Pflege cleans, no one wants a dirty applicator. I learned too late and mine is not perfect.
“Greg, I thought it was a stick?!” It isn’t really a stick, think more like a quick shoe shine applicator. Product is released once a “button” inside a foam applicator is depressed, and the bottle is lightly squeezed to release product.
I work in small sections, using a thin layer of product to ensure good coverage, but not over coverage.
Don’t forget to do the sides of the seals also.
You can see the final results are wonderful, matte, moisturized, and UV protected seals.
Rember to not only do the car side of the seals, but the door seals also. Enjoy your newley protected and mosturized seals.
nice nails! lol
Will this product cause a rub/scrunch noise between the rubber seal and paint? I’ve cleaned/lubed this area in the past, only to cause awful friction noises when going over even the slightest of road imperfections. It’s truly maddening and a common problem, at least on Hondas. Us enthusiasts have tried everything from a 3M teflon tape applied to the painted areas, to a special Honda grease on the seals.
Thanks, I will let the owner of them know you like them.
“Conditions rubber weather stripping…reducing squeaks, rattles, wind noise.”
I use this product on my own Acura, and the best part for me is that I no longer get the weather stripping sticking together from frost in the winter. I would definitely give this product a try to see if it will reduce the noise you are getting from the weather stripping.
Hey Greg,
This is a great product, it keeps the molding very supple. My car is a 2006 so the molding has a little cracking all though almost undetectable so I I have gotten to them in time. I too learned the hard way about cleaning the weather stripping first. I do have a question about how often to treat. I would think once a month should be sufficient, is that acurate??
To me you can never be too safe, especially with a molding that already has some cracking. Once a month sounds good for a 6 year old car. A newer car may only need it applied every 2-3 months. Depending on the way it is stored and maintained.
Excellent article, Greg. This is a common thing that owners as well as detailers over look and it’s something that should be considered a priority. The last thing you want to see if glossy defect free paint, then open the doors to dried out trim! Great job again buddy!
Just a heads up…I have two of these that I use inter-changeably. I must have neglected one of the applicators because I went to use it this weekend and the foam applicator tip appeared to be covered with mildew? I threw it out even though it was 1/2 full and was less than a year old. I used the remianing applicator/bottle (which was pristine)and rinshed the foam well with clean water afterwards. Anyone else seen these sponges mildew?…and yes, it was not just “dirty” from use…
Woudn’t Aerospace 303 Protectant yield the same benefits?
Nathan, I haven’t had mold. I did notice water evaporation under the cap after usage. I got used to allowing the foam to dry for a day with the cap not completely sealed to allow for that moisture to escape.
Jon, I am sure 303 would offer amazing results also, as for the I just prefer using a product that is designed for one task.
Thanks for the reply, Greg. I get it
You’ve got a new follower!
Doesn’t last for beans, IMO.
I used this product on a Honda Odyssey that had much wind noise while travelling on the freeway. It restored the rubber seals around all the doors and windows and now is very quiet. I live in Florida where the sun does damage to rubber. This product is great!
i gone through your website about Rubber cable/silicone cableptfe/teflon cable. its really amazing.
Rubber cable/silicone cableptfe/teflon cable
An excellent product, which I have been using for over 30 years on all my vehicles, as shown on my web sites. My 30+ year old BMW rubber seals still look, feel and function as if they are new. I have not yet found another product that equals its performance, during the past 3 decades. Period.
How often do you apply the product?
I have a question. It has been recommended for preventing auto doors from freezing in the winter. Is this true. Do you have another recommendation ?
Thomas – Thank you for the message! Dressing your rubber trim pieces can help from windows and doors freezing at times, but it certainly is not a cure-all type of process. The Nextzett Gummi Pflege Stift Rubber Care Stick is a great item if you are looking to dress these areas and keep them cleaner for longer.