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Product Review: DI reTHICKulous Wool Wash Mitt


Are you looking for the ultimate wash mitt for your vehicle’s delicate finish? Well, look no further! I’m happy to say Detailed Image is now carrying the new reThickulous Wool Wash Mitt. There are many great wash mitts on the market today; however, this wash mitt is for those of us who demand the absolute best for our baby, or those who have very delicate paint. Previously, my go-to product was the DI Sheepskin Wash Mitt, and for most jobs it will remain so. However, the new reThickulous Mitt is the new favorite for my personal cars and high end client vehicles.

Here is how the mitt looks when new:

Note: In the below pics I had already used the mitt a few times and it wasn’t 100% dry either

Here is a comparison next to the DI Sheepskin Mitt. As you can see this thing is soft and fluffy! 😉

Here is one with my hand next to both mitts:

Both mitts have a nice elastic band for excellent grip on your wrist as well as a loop for hanging to dry:

After dipping it into the bucked filled with Optimum Car Wash:

One thing I find attractive about this new mitt is a strong resemblance to my Himalayan cat. She’s super soft and fluffy and kind of looks like the mitt too!

However, I got “the look” when I told her I was going to use her to wash my car! 🙂

Caring for your reTHICKulous Wool Wash Mitt is simple; rinse it out really well after use and inspect for dirt…it does seem to release dirt very well too. After that simply hang it to dry in a clean environment or place in an empty bucket on top of a grit guard. If you’re OCD like me and want it to continue looking like new after each use, I picked up a great tip from my friend and fellow detailer, Corey (CEE DOG): after the mitt is dry, simply brush the mitt with a wire brush similar to the one in the picture below. On top of fluffing the fibers back up its also a great way to ensure any and all dirt is removed. After several uses mine still looks like new! 😉

In closing, this mitt is definitely awesome, but given the high price point, I don’t feel it’s the best choice for cars that are very dirty and those that aren’t cared for on a regular basis.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this review and if you have any questions or comments please submit them in the comment box below.

Chad Rskovich Rasky's Auto Detailing
Chad Raskovich
Rasky's Auto Detailing
Minneapolis, MN

13 comments on Product Review: DI reTHICKulous Wool Wash Mitt

  1. Brian says:

    Great review. I’ve had mine since they came out and it’s always a pleasure to use. Hopefully it doesn’t fall apart like a lot of other sheepskin mitts out there.

  2. Nathan Hoekzema says:

    Thanks again for a great review. I have used mine twice now on BMW Jet Black paint…so easy to scratch! You answered my question regarding care of the mitt. I have been doing exactly as you mentioned above, minus the brushing. I also find that it is beneficial to “spin” the mitt vigorously after it is hosed out. Think of a wet dog shaking off…now put your hand into the mitt and do the same thing.

  3. Alicia Ochoa says:

    I recently just purchased one for my new 2012 black mustang, but I was wondering how it should be stored after being cleaned and allowing to fully dry? Is it okay to put in a plastic storage bag? thanks!

    • Hey Alicia,

      Congrats on the new car and wash mitt! As long as the mitt is fully dry you should be fine placing it in a plastic bag. However, If it’s damp you would obviously risk mold growth. I place a lot of my detailing supplies in plastic storage containers I picked up at Target/Wal-Mart and I have one dedicated just for wash mitts. Once mine is dry I’ll juts place it in there so it’s protected from dust and debris.

      Marc and Jacob from AutoLavish have a nice article you can check out below that shows how we organize a lot of our detailing stuff. 😉


  4. Aaron Bodle says:

    DO NOT put this in the washer or dryer!!! If you do it will turn out like a dreadlock mess… I of course would not be so stupid to have tried it and then warn others of doing such a thing 😉 now I need to go purchase another one. REALLY like this mitt.

  5. Chet Moseley says:

    This mitt was starting to fall apart on me and became unusable after 4 washes. DI told me the life expectancy was 5-20 washes and this was the nature of a natural mitt.

    Sure wasn’t expecting it to fall apart after 4 washes on a fairly clean weekend car.

    • Hey Chet,

      Sorry to hear your mitt is falling apart. 🙁

      I actually still have my same mitt from this article, though it is getting to be about time to replace it. I would definitely say I have closer to 20 washes with mine. I have found that the sharp edges of emblems can snag the long fibers, which can be a bit annoying, but I do still like this wash mitt for my personal cars. 🙂

      I’d would like to hear more about the issues you are having with yours, maybe some pics too. Feel free to send to my personal email if you care to share. (


      • Jeff Ting says:

        Yea, mine started coming apart too after maybe 2-3 washes. This is my third reThickulous mitt and by far the shortest life span. Not sure if it was just the way it was stored but probably 25% of the wool came off and the rest were shedding quickly. I still love the mitt and won’t wash my car with anything else, but if this continues I’m going to have to reconsider.

  6. James S says:

    Have you ever used the Carpro wash mitt and if so how would it compare to the DI reThickulous mitt? I have always had issues, even when using two bucket method, foam gun, grit guards, and etc with small marring and I originally used the mothers sheepskin wash mitt. Now that I have 22ple HPC coating on my car I’m looking at a new wash mitt that won’t induce small marring and would you say the reThickulous wash mitt does that?

    • Hi James,

      Unfortunately I have not used the CarPro mitt so I can’t comment on how it compares. While I do still love this reThickulous mitt, I have recently found myself gravitating back towards the DI sheepskin wash mitt. My new vehicle has a lot of emblems on it (a ridiculous amount of them) and the reThickulous mitt is more prone to snagging on these types of emblems. If your vehicle doesn’t have a lot of emblems like mine then it’s a very nice mitt IMO.


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