Product Review: DI Microfiber Detailing Apron
by Greg GellasI recently purchased the DI MF Apron. I didn’t think much of it initially, why would I need an apron for detailing. Sure enough I have found it more than valuable!
Using a MF Apron does ensures that my t-shirt, or pants don’t marr or scratch the paint while I lean up against it doing hard to reach areas. The center of the roof or hood come to mind.
The front pockets are really deep and easily hold your bottle of polish as you move around the car. Just remember to tie the waist straps around your back. If you tie them in front, you eliminate the use of the from pockets, as the straps will tie right across the pocket openings and they will become useless.
Here I am applying Opti-Coat using a DI Foam Applicator with my apron on. In one pocket I put my syringe of Opti-Coat and in the other my Black DI All Purpose MF Towel. It was getting a little chilly in the shop, so I actually put on my jacket after the final wash and after correction. Seeing that my jacket has a zipper and is a rougher texture, I decided to throw the apron on to ensure the work I had done to the paint wasn’t harmed by me leaning up against it.
Is this something I am going to use while I wash a car, no. While polishing or applying a LSP or Coating like Opti-Coat or 22PLE Pro Glass coating, without a doubt. It will help ensure that any work I have done in terms of paint correction stays that way.
In addition I really feel comfortable wearing the apron, I would suggest getting one for anyone looking to perform a quick detail to a full out correction.
As always thanks for reading!
Looks like a very handy product to protect your finish from your belt or a zipper on your jacket. The storage is most appealing to me though. No longer will I have to remember where I set my bottle of polish! I’ll be sure to add one of these to my next order. Thanks for the review!
Does this like microfiber towels need to be washed before warn? In order to not leave lint of anytype behind as you apply your product where you may lean in and the apron touches the car?
Thanks for the review and your reply. This seems like a smart purchase
I did not wash mine and have not noticed any lint left from it. It just brushes up against the surface, not a wipe that could be why. After I got some polish on it I did wash it with my mf towels.
Thanks Greg!
after your review and reply Im gonna pick on of these up!
Looks very functional and I would wear one as long as my buddies were not around. I can hear them now calling me Betty Crocker.
Great Idea! I will order one.
90% of any job is the prep and if you can avoid ‘marking’ your work before it is finished you will avoid having to clean the marks up at the end. I have been doing leather work for over 40 years and have my own business. I learned this the hard way. Now before even touching a leather hide I trim my fingernails and take off any rings, watch or other jewelry to avoid ‘marking’ the hide.
I do the same thing when detailing my truck or bike. If you don’t put the marks on, you don’t have to polish them off later.
I was looking for something to keep my clothes from getting dirty as well as keep from marking up cars thanks Greg i to will pick one up
When I worked at a cinnamon roll restaurant in high school we had to wear aprons. Pro-tip flip the apron up when you tie it so the knot is under the front of the apron. Much easier to tie in front.