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Product Review: DI Brushes Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush


The Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush is a versatile cleaning tool that can help you clean your vehicle’s wheels, interior, trim pieces, joints, seams, seats, console, buttons, emblems and so much more. This high quality boar’s hair brush really has an endless amount of uses which makes it a must have tool for any detailer. It’s a gentle yet effective cleaning tool you can use on factory wheels and even the most delicate after market wheels. The extremely soft fibers allow it to break up contaminants in tough to reach areas while never scratching or marring the wheel. It works great in between spokes, around lug nuts, rivets, lips, etc. so you can safely clean even the most challenging areas. For the exterior trim you can now clean the emblem, grill, seams, vinyl trim, bumpers, etc. Some of these areas previously appeared impossible to clean but the Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush makes this possible. Last but not least use this brush all over the interior to remove dust from areas such as the vents, shifter knob, buttons, console, trim pieces, seats and so much more. It’s truly a very unique and high quality brush that can be used inside and outside of your vehicle for top notch detailing work. Pick one or more up today and you’ll be amazed at how helpful this tool is.

I started using the DI Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush a while back, when Detailed Image first started offering it on the website.  I was one of the first to try it out and I immediately liked the brush.  After a few upgrades, we are currently using the 3rd version of the brush.  The photo below shows the newest on the left and oldest on the right.


While it was a great tool, the original brush had some issues with the adhesive that held the bristles inside the handle base.  I believe I was one of the first people to have the brush fail during a detail job, as it basically came apart while I was cleaning wheels with it.  Granted, I did only use that brush on wheels, mainly tight areas like wheel bolts and brake calipers, so it did go through quite a bit of abuse.  However, I felt it still failed a bit too quickly for a brush of this caliber, so when I addressed my concerns, Greg and the DI team worked hard soon after that to upgrade the brush and make sure it would improve.

For the second version of the brush, along with getting the cooler black color :), the adhesive was improved to withstand regular detailing use and stronger cleaning chemicals.  While the adhesive was a lot better and the brush much more durable, the issue still remained in the overall design.  With that, the Detailed Image team decided for a complete overhaul of the brush in order to make it one of the best boar’s hair brushes out there and they surely succeeded.  With a thicker handle, better base design to hold the bristles and a better adhesive, the brush is now just right.  It still has the soft but firm bristles and now it’s much more durable and appropriate for use all around the vehicle.  Also, there are two size options for the new brush, 1 inch and 1.25 inch.

While I still use it mainly for cleaning around the wheel area, it’s also great for brushing out interior crevices, door jambs and engine bays.  Greg Gellas offers a Quick Tip on the DI Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush.  I have found that using Greg’s tip for stiffening the bristles works great not only for the lug nut area, but also for getting residue around emblems and crumbs from around interior console areas.

All in all, the DI Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush is one of those must-have tools because it can be used for various tasks and does a great job each and every time.  Highly recommended!


Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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3 comments on Product Review: DI Brushes Boar’s Hair Detailing Brush

  1. Mike says:

    I can’t have enough of these brushes. I use them for everything and they never fall apart. Btw Ivan, I just referred someone to you from the Chicago area. Hopefully they will be giving you a call. Great writeup.

  2. Greg Gellas says:

    Ivan, I love these brushes also, and the upgrades to them have been great!

    I have three, one for wheels, one for emblems, and one for interiors. At one point I got them confused and had to replace them all. To prevent this in the future I used Plasti-Dip and coated the handles to differentiate which brush I use for each purpose. I don’t want brake cleaner being used on the interior and this was a great solution.

    Greg 🙂

  3. Adam B says:

    Hey Ivan,

    Good post about the Boar’s Brush. I find it is a very helpful tool for doing wheels as well. I was unaware that there was three versions of the brush I thought it was just the colors. My experience with the brush was that I had the first version and actually that version lasted longer for me than the white one. I used the first black one so long I missed the second version. What you explain about the adhesive failing is exactly what happened to me in both cases. I usually leave the brush in the bucket while I am working around the car, then I dry the brush and in the box is goes after I done. Like I said the black version lasted pretty much a year and a half. However, when it failed I was disappointed, I immediately purchased a new one, only to be disappointed because after two uses the same thing happened and the adhesive failed quickly during the second use. I was really disappointed and since have given up on the product and haven’t found a replacement other brushes simply don’t come close to the accuracy of this brush as well as the versatility.

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