Product Review: DI Atlasta SoftTip Brush
by Greg GellasMyself and about 20 other detailers throughout the country were invited by Wills Amstutz, of Windows and Wheels Detailing in Phoenix, to test this brush and give feedback to the company. It was really nice to test out a new product before its official release. After testing out this brush, I had suggested to Detailed Image that they should add this brush to their line. Sure enough they did and below is my review!
First off the construction is awesome! I have no doubt at all that this brush will last and it doesn’t look like there is any chance of it falling apart in the future. An added plus is that I have yet to notice any bristle loss. It was a little different than the standard boars head brush, which took some getting used to. While soft, the Atlasta Brush is much stiffer than any boars hair brush I was currently using. The tightly packed bristles required a slightly different technique to spread and surround a lug nut. It did provide good, strong cleaning once I did get that down. With a boars hair brush I would normally just push it into the lug area and agitate. For myself, I have found it is better to do a sweeping action into the lug area, followed by circular motions. Additionally, the Atlasta Brush is a great brush for caliper cleaning and around different areas of the wheel, including the center cap and valve stems.
I also used the Atlasta Brush for emblem cleaning. I tested it on my own car and the plastic bristles are too sharp and stiff to be used for cleaning emblems or seams around painted areas without causing some scratching. I would not suggest this brush for cleaning painted surfaces.
After the emblem test, I thought that it would be to aggressive for interior cleaning. Boy was I wrong, it works well for vents but even better on pedals, jambs, seat rails and virtually anywhere you need light to medium agitation.
It is also great for the engine bay area, it gets into the nooks that are commonly found in the engine bay and agitates dirt and debris really well. This brush works better than a boars hair brush at getting oil and caked on residue removed due to its stiffer construction.
Here, I pre-sprayed with a quick detailer solution of Optimum’s No Rinse and agitated with the brush.
Additionally, this brush is ideal for tight seams where the plastic meets up. The bristles are stiff and strong enough to get into that tight area and clean the dust and debris out of there.
Although much stiffer than a boars hair brush, it is still flexible enough to get into tight areas like near the engine oil cap below.
I will without a doubt get another brush so I have one for the exterior and one for interior use, as I don’t want any cross contamination!
As always thanks for reading
I used this brush at Greg’s shop in NJ and immediately went home to purchase one. Most detailing brushes are extremely soft, there is sometimes a need for a bit of stiffness, this brush should be in every arsenal.
Just bought a couple for myself! Thanks for the review Greg.