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Product Review: Chemical Guys Stripper Scent


This will probably be the shortest product review I will ever write :).  To make it really short, Chemical Guys Stripper Scent is a really great smelling product which I’d highly recommend for anyone, especially business owners looking to return a client’s car after an interior detail with a nice and fresh scent inside.

Looking for a unique air freshener? Chemical Guys Stripper Scent will invigorate your senses and bring a smile to your face each time you get in your car. It has a very pleasant smell that is perfect for both guys and girls. Designed with active odor eliminators, it will help eliminate the source of other foul odors, not just cover them up temporarily. Simply spray the Stripper Scent liberally on your carpets and upholstery for a long lasting and intoxicating smell.

I started using this product only a few months ago, but it’s something I’ve re-ordered a few times already as I keep using it on personal and clients’ vehicles.  It’s obviously very easy to use and I normally spray it onto the carpets at the end of a detail job.  I find it helps a bit with durability if you wipe the liquid into the carpets after it has been sprayed.  Obviously by spraying more it will last a bit longer, but the smell will also be a bit stronger, which is not bad at all but some people may prefer just a light scent.

It surely helps eliminate any foul smells inside the car and leaves a really nice smell.  I continuously received great feedback from clients who absolutely love the smell and have ordered bottles for personal use.  I even have a client with asthma who emailed me only to say how nice the air freshener was and that it didn’t bother her condition at all.

It comes with the sprayer and the bottle cap, so you can always store it for a while with the cap on and leave the sprayer on for when it’s in use.  Overall Chemical Guys Stripper Scent a great product and I don’t see myself stopping use of it or switching to something else for any reason.  I’m actually going to see about buying it in bulk since I use it so much and all my clients love it!  Well that’s about all I can say about this great product, so hopefully it leads to a few readers to finding a new air freshener that they like.


Ivan Rajic LUSTR Deatil
Ivan Rajic
LUSTR Detail
257 N Woodwork Lane
Palatine IL 60067
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5 comments on Product Review: Chemical Guys Stripper Scent

  1. David says:

    What do you wipe the liquid in with?

    • Ivan Rajic says:

      I usually just spray it lightly and let it sit, but for some clients that I know like the scent from before, I normally use a mf towel to spread it across a floor mat or similar piece.

  2. Zach says:

    This stuff is great… the smell is addicting, I freshen up my personal vehicle weekly and apply it to all customer vehicles as well!

  3. Robert Domlewski says:

    Stripper Scent is indeed a great smelling air freshener. The scent can’t be pin pointed but it does have some hints of vanilla.

  4. Kirilas says:

    Smell is great indeed, but durability is so incredibly poor, that it makes Stripper Scent probably the worst air freshener i have ever tried. Just want to warn everybody that is not worth to spend your money on the product which simply doesn’t work… At least I feel completely fooled. I was reading a lot about it but never saw any negative remarks on durability…

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