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Product Review: Chemical Guys Metal Polish


Chemical Guys Metal Polish is a product we have been using for years.  It has always produced excellent results for us, and a single bottle will get me through a couple of years of exhaust tip cleaning!  This is a process that we don’t get too many questions on, and therefore have never considered writing a review on the products we use, but this past week I had another great reminder of why we continue to this product that I wanted to share.

We were working on this gorgeous 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS.  The bright silver paint was contrasted nicely with all of the black accents such as the headlights, plastic trim, window trim, and badges.

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

When we got to the exhaust, the dark black finish seemed to go right along with the rest of the color scheme, so at first we assumed it was just part of the overall look of the car… until we took a closer look and saw a glimmer of shine beneath that heavy black build up.

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

Believe it or not, the tips were originally a highly polished finish!  We were quite shocked, and so was the owner.  He purchased the car used and assumed they were a black finish since the first day he owned it.  This transformation took just a few minutes per tip.

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

A perfectly polished exhaust tip is a great addition to a perfectly polished paint job.  Most vehicle owners neglect to maintain their tips, leaving them looking dull and dirty.  Chemical Guys Metal Polish makes quick work of exhaust build up.

For heavier build up, which is quite common on the inner surfaces and edges of exhaust tips, we apply the polish onto #0000 Super Fine Steel Wool.  Rub the polish and steel wool against the metal, working in small areas, until clean.  You may need to repeat this process a few times on tips that have excessive build up.  Follow up with a microfiber or foam applicator and metal polish to refine the finish even more.

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

For lighter build up, there is no need to use steel wool.  Simply apply a small amount of metal polish onto a black microfiber towel or applicator and work the polish against the metal.  Work in small sections and add more polish as needed.  Wipe the residue away with a clean towel and your tips will look like new!

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

ATD | Chemical Guys Metal Polish

Chemical Guys Metal Polish can be used on chrome, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper surfaces.  From exhaust tips, to wheels, to motorcycle parts, and everything else, this polish will make it shine!  Another great part about this product is that it leaves a layer of protection behind after polishing.  This helps make subsequent cleaning easier.

If you’ve got some metal that needs to shine, check out the Chemical Guys Metal Polish.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

8 comments on Product Review: Chemical Guys Metal Polish

  1. jake luksenberg says:


  2. Ti says:

    will this work the same on titanium exhaust that have the rainbow effect or will it remove it?

    • Stephen Mattiola says:

      No. The rainbow effect is actually incorporated into the exhaust it is the burnt tip look. I had it on a 2011 STi. Polished the metal regularly.

    • The burnt coloration should not be removed with light metal polishing. Depending on how thoroughly the metal was heated, it may be possible to remove the coloration with extensive use of heavy abrasives, but I do not think it would be likely with general maintenance polishing. In any case, it is always best to test in an inconspicuous area (the under side of the tip) to be safe.

  3. Joseph says:

    Do you use the heavy metal polish or the light metal polish

    • Actually neither… I’ve had my bottle for a while and it just says “Metal Polish + Protection”. I am not sure if this was renamed to, or replaced with, the Light Metal Polish.

  4. Ray Scott says:

    I will be ordering some soon. Not happy with Optimum metal polish.

  5. michael zemelshteyn says:

    can this be used to remove surface rust on an exhaust pipe?

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