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Product Review: Chemical Guys HoneyDew Snow Foam


AWESOME!!!  end of article…

Just kidding!

Chemical Guys HoneyDew Snow Foam shampoo is the real deal!  I tried it out on a Ferrari F430 recently knowing the Ferrari had some protection on the car.  I started out using a makeshift foam gun, not a Gilmour here.

I started out foaming the car before doing any rinsing.  here is a picture of that process:

After that, I proceeded to wash with about 2oz in a bucket with about 4 gallons of water.  Let me tell you, the suds in the bucket were THICK!  While washing, I noticed a much smoother glide leaving me to believe that I wasn’t really touching the car, which is a good thing.  Here is a picture after a washed section, but before rinsing it off…this is after about 1min…look at the dwelling!

At this point, since I just wanted to test its washing ability, and what it did to the wax protection under it, I rinsed the whole car…wouldn’t you know it, tons of beading still on the car leading me to the conclusion it was gentle enough not to diminish the protection, yet cleaned extremely well!  This is a great go-to maintenance shampoo between sealant or wax applications!

In order to proceed with this correction job, I switched over to CG citrus wash and clear pre-foaming, then regular washing and it stripped the previous protection and I was left with little to no beading!

Eric Schuster Envious Detailing
Eric Schuster
Envious Detailing
Orange County, CA

5 comments on Product Review: Chemical Guys HoneyDew Snow Foam

  1. Danny R. says:


    Have you tried it as a snowfoam yet meaning through a foam lance via pressure washer? I ask because I use 2 oz Maxisuds II to 1 liter of softwater in my foam lance aka foam cannon and it creates some shaving creme like foam that clings to the surface for several minutes and removes most of all the grit on the vehicle prior to washing via TBM with GG. I am wondering if this is any better.

    Danny R

    • Jordan says:

      It works crazy well through a “foam cannon”!! I used a Glimour foam gun before the foam cannon, and it worked well…. But the foam cannon produces SO MUCH MORE, it truely is an upgrade!! You can’t go wrong by buying one! I use CG regularly, and found that if you mix the Maxi Suds II or the new formula aka (PINKzill) with Honeydew Snow Foam, you get an amazing smelling foam that takes the fort with it as it slides off.

  2. Lynda says:

    Love this stuff. Works great in a Gilmour Foammaster II gun (better than Maxisuds in my opinion). Smells great too!

  3. Chris says:

    How much do I use in a foam gun?

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