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Product Review: CarPro Spotless Water Spot and Mineral Remover


Hard water is something that most vehicle owners have to deal with on a regular basis.  Water from rain, and especially sprinklers, hoses, and other sources of public water can leave unsightly spots all over your vehicle if the drops are left to dry on the surface.  These water spots are actually mineral deposits that are left on the surface of your vehicle after the water has evaporated.  The minerals can ‘bake’ onto the paint and can become very difficult to remove.  If left unattended for extended periods of time, these water spots can even etch into paint and cause some pretty serious damage.

CarPro has developed their Spotless Water Spot and Mineral Remover to help fight these issues and offer a quick and easy solution to stubborn water spots.  Traditionally, water spots are removed with abrasives through machine polishing processes.  While this method typically works well, it can be very time consuming.  Spotless has been developed with a special blend of gentle acids, that safely neutralize the mineral deposits on most vehicle surfaces.

The vehicle shown in the following photos was parked in a public parking lot, and the sprinkler system sprayed the vehicle.  The water was left to dry on the surface in the hot sun, and when the owner returned, there were spots all over the car.  These spots had already become so hard that they would not come off with traditional washing (the vehicle had already been washed prior to taking this photo).  This vehicle had previously been coated with 22ple VX1 Pro paint coating, therefore polishing was not an option.  The reason for this is that if we were to polish the surface, there is a good risk of removing the paint coating.  With that in mind, CarPro Spotless was the perfect choice.

ATD | CarPro Spotless

Photo: Water spots from sprinkler system

After the vehicle was washed, Spotless was sprayed liberally onto the surface of one of the effected panels.

ATD | CarPro Spotless

Next, a Yellow Foam Applicator was used to work the product.  Using moderate pressure, I made crosshatch passes (side to side, then up and down).   Be sure to wear gloves to keep the product away from your skin.

ATD | CarPro Spotless

I then used a Blue All Purpose Microfiber Towel to carefully wipe away the Spotless residue from the surface.

ATD | CarPro Spotless

The panel was then rinsed with water and dried.  The water spots were removed, and the panel looked much better.

ATD | CarPro Spotless

I have been very pleased with the Spotless product.  I have had great success removing light to moderate surface water spots very quickly and easily.  This product can be used on paint, glass, chrome, and plastic.  This is a much needed product, as hard water spots are inevitable for most vehicles, and if they are not removed in a timely manner they can lead to much more severe damage.

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

13 comments on Product Review: CarPro Spotless Water Spot and Mineral Remover

  1. Well said Zach. I like to use a quality microfiber towel when I use Spotless.

  2. Germaine Summers says:

    Can you use it on windows

  3. Jim says:

    How does it compare to Meguiar’s Water Spot Remover?

  4. John K. says:

    Thanks for that article.I usually use distilled white vinegar. But this will remove any protection. Sounds like you don’t need to reapply a wax or polymer sealer?

    • Hi John – Spotless will certainly degrade or remove any existing wax or sealant, however it should not effect paint coatings (like CQuartz). If you use a wax or sealant, I would recommend applying a new layer after using this product.

  5. Jeff says:

    Thank you for this article. One question; why would you not rinse to remove the residue first then wipe dry (reverse the last two steps)?

    • Hi Jeff, the directions state to wipe the excess product from the surface prior to rinsing/re-washing the area, so I wanted to be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions while testing this product. The full order of operations are as follows: Spray product onto clean surface, work product with applicator or sponge, wipe with clean microfiber towel, rinse or wash surface to remove residual product, dry.

  6. Josh G says:

    Does this offer any protection against future water spots? I live in Florida and come this time of year, rain is very frequent and EXTEMELY annoying when it comes to keeping my paint spot free.

    Short of storing the vehicle in an enclosed area (rarely an option for me), way could you suggest to protect my paint against future water spots if this product does not advertise such a result.

    • No, this is simply a waterspot remover. The best protection against water spots is avoiding hard water (tap water) and applying a layer of protection (wax, sealant, or coating) to your paint. Always make sure to wash in the shade and do not let tap water dry on your vehicle.

  7. Joel says:

    Will this product work on single stage paint without harming the paint.

    • Hi Joel – CarPro states that spotless is “Compatible and safe for use on clear coat and all CQuartz Nano-Coatings when used as directed.” There is no mention of use on single stage paint, so for that reason I would be hesitant. If you wish to try, I would recommend testing in an inconspicuous area and monitoring the paint for ~24 hours.

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