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Product Review: 303 Fabric Guard


The 303 Fabric Guard is a quick an easy way to protect the various fabric components of your vehicle.

ATD | 303 Fabric Guard

I use 303 Fabric Guard most often as a means of protecting soft convertible tops.  This product is incredibly easy to use, as you simply spray the Fabric Guard over the entire area and leave it to dry.  It is important to clean the surface with an appropriate product first and allow it to dry before applying 303.   Also, you want to verify that the product will not harm your fabric by performing a test spot in an inconspicuous area.

In the following photo, you can see 303 Fabric Guard drying on the top of this Camaro convertible top.

ATD | 303 Fabric Guard

Fabric Guard should be applied in temperatures above 70F, and should be left to cure for 6-12 hours before exposed to dew or rain.  After the product has cured, it will help to protect the fabric, making maintenance much easier.

The barrier created by the Fabric Guard will help repel stains, soil, harmful UV rays, water, mildew, salt, soda, coffee and anything else your fabrics come in contact with. This product has saved many people from scrubbing out embedded stains, excessive soil build-up, spills and more. It’s designed for use on carpets, fabric seats, fabric/canvas convertible tops, fabric upholstery and more.

ATD | 303 Fabric Guard

Zach McGovern
Attention To Detailing Peoria
Peoria, IL

18 comments on Product Review: 303 Fabric Guard

  1. Fred Anselmo says:

    I bought this product from DI and will use it on my 2008 C6 convertible top. Can I also use it on the suede microfiber inserts on my 2015 C7 Corvette’s Brownstone interior? The suede is on the seats, console, dash and doors. I also have suede inserts on the Recaro seats in my 2012 Cadillac CTS and have never treated the suede.

    • Fred – congrats on the C7!! I would simply suggest carefully reading the directions on the bottle, and then testing the product in an inconspicuous area prior to spraying the entire surface. There is no way to guarantee any product will work on every surface, so simply proceed with great caution at first… better safe than sorry!!

  2. Jeff Davis says:


    I am a huge fan of the 303 Aerospace Protectant and was looking to this as a fabric guard for my neoprene seat covers after I wash them.

    Is there any information about using this product on neoprene seat covers?

    Seems like it could do the trick.

    • Hey Jeff, as I mentioned to Fred… I’d simply recommend carefully reading the manufacturer info and then performing a test spot and monitoring the spot to see if the product has any negative reaction with your seat covers. I imagine it would be perfectly fine, but again, better safe than sorry.

      • Jeff Davis says:

        I used this on my neoprene seat covers this week and everything is initially working out.

        It’s important to understand that the neoprene that most consumers are familiar with is actually neoprene (the rubbery stuff) and a knit fabric that is laminated the to rubber. The rubber is inherently waterproof, but the fabric is not. So water (coffee, mud on my kids shoes, duck blood) will soak into the fabric, but no through the neoprene.

        I used the 303 Fabric guard to try and better keep “stuff” out of the fabric. I took the covers off my truck, and washed them per the manufacturers instructions, then sprayed on the 303 before re-installing them. It’s been a day. I’ll update after a few months after some use.

  3. kyle allen says:

    How do you work convertible top treatment into the workflow of a full-detail, given the drying requirements after cleaning and after application

    • Hey Kyle, since most vehicles I work on are in my possession for several days, it is rather easy for me to work this product into my process. I typically have vehicles dropped off in the afternoon, so I spend the rest of the day washing the exterior of the vehicle. The car then sits overnight during which the soft top will become completely dry by morning. I then spray the soft top with the fabric protectant prior to continuing my work on the paint. The product then has plenty of time to dry and cure while I decontaminate, correct, and protect the paint over the following day or two.

  4. Robert McCarty says:

    It is much easier to get full coverage by using a paint brush as an applicator. Spraying can lead to missing spots or using too much product or too little.

  5. Ray Scott says:

    Can this product be used cloth tops or just vinyl. I use Raggtop on cloth but will try this on vinyl.

    • This product is meant for cloth, not vinyl… “303 Fabric Guard protects carpet, canvas and upholstery from staining by repelling liquids”. If you’re seeking vinyl protection, consider 303 Aerospace Protectant.

  6. Kevin says:

    How long will one application last?

    • As with any type of protection, it can vary greatly. Variables such as application area (seats, mats, convertible top) and environment play a large role in determining how long the product will last. The good news is that it is an inexpensive product that is simple to apply, so you can reapply often if needed without any hassle.

  7. Joe Plescia says:

    Hi Zach,

    Please comment on Robert McCarty’s post regarding using a paint brush to apply the 303 Fabric Guard. It would be easier to apply than masking the glass and body to spray on.

    • Hi Joe – I have not used a brush to apply this product. I find it is incredibly easy to use the supplied sprayer for application. Simply mist the product over the surface you wish to protect, and allow to dry. Masking the paint and glass is not needed… in my experiences the over spray easily wipes away from both paint and glass when removed immediately with a damp towel followed by a dry towel, and it does not harm the paint or the glass. You should be as accurate with your spraying as possible to minimize over spray and cleanup time.

  8. Sean Fisher says:

    Zach- I have a s60 with beige cloth interior, and as much as I try, I cannot keep the dang interior clean. If it rains, i get water marks, if I wear jeans, blue seat. I feel like I am always cleaning something. Do you suggest this product for the water repellency? What others do you recommend?

    • Hi Sean, this product may help some… but unfortunately you’ve signed up for a lot of maintenance with a light colored interior. There is just no other way around it. Light colored leather and upholstery will show everything and require a lot of your time to keep clean.

  9. John Sekula says:

    Hi Zach,
    My Audi convertible top has a 1/8 inch black seal between the rear glass window and the top fabric. It might be a silicone type of material.
    303 Fabric Guard says to keep it away from rubber and plastic. What about that rear glass seal? Should it be masked as well?
    Thanks, John

  10. Maurry Pazarian says:

    I used the 303 Fabric and unfortunately didn’t test in a small area first. I have an 85 Toyota in great condition and wanted to give a UV layer on the rag top which was in excellent shape. I used the spray and lightly misted the top after washing it thoroughly a couple of days ago.I checked in my garage a few minutes ago and was horrified at the gray splotches all over the formally black top. My fault for not trsting it on a small area first but will never recommend this treatment to anyone for their convertible soft top.

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