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Product Review: 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover & Convertible Top Cleaner


Tired of having a convertible top that looks filthy?  While there are many convertible top cleaners on the market and most will work just fine, I personally prefer 303’s products.  They have a reputation for great products, 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover and Convertible Top Cleaner is just another of their products to add to that list.  An extremely easy product to use while producing outstanding results.

Here is the product description as posted on Detailed Image.

Product Description

The 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover & Convertible Top Cleaner is a specially formulated cleaner, that will help you bring your convertible top back to life! This cleaner will get deep into the pores of your convertible top and bring soil and other contamination to the surface for removal. Apply evenly with a light spray over a wet surface and agitate with a damp towel or brush as needed. If you have heavier contamination to remove, rinse the surface and repeat the application until it is removed. It is safe to use on any fabric tops, vinyl, plastic, rubber, carpets and much more. This product will only clean, so we highly recommend applying a protectant to the surface once you are finished. If you have a dirty convertible top, pick up the 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover & Convertible Top Cleaner and bring your top back to that like new condition quickly and easily!

For my example I am using a 2001 Porsche Boxster with a black soft top.  The top is in really good condition, however is in need of a very thorough cleaning.

KMG - 303 top

The Boxster had been parked most of the winter in the owner’s garage and was quite dusty.  You can see in this picture that it looked slightly discolored and had some dirt and lint on it.

KMG - 303 top

The first step in cleaning the top is to thoroughly rinse the top and remove any heavier dirt or debris that might be present on the surface of the top.

KMG - 303 top

Once thoroughly rinsed and wet you will apply a generous even amount of 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover and Convertible Top Cleaner over the entire top while it is still wet.

KMG - 303 top

With the product applied you will want to take a soft brush and scrub the entire top.  I like using one of Detailed Image’s Horse Hair Upholstery Brushes as they have fairly soft bristles and is very unlikely to cause any damage to the top.

KMG - 303 top

At this point the entire top was thoroughly scrubbed and ready to be rinsed off.

KMG - 303 top

Being that the top on this car was not nearly as dirty as most, it was fully cleaned after one application.  If you are dealing with a top that has heavy soiling on it, you may need to apply a generous amount of product on the top and leave it sit for 15-20 minutes to fully break down the stains and dirt.  You will want to let it sit before brushing and in some cases may need to do more than one application to fully clean the surface.

KMG - 303 top

Once the top has been cleaned and dried you should be left with a nice clean surface as pictured.  At this point your top is prepared to apply a protectant such as 303 Aerospace Protectant or 303 Fabric Guard depending on the material that your top is made of.  You want to keep your top protected as it will prolong the life span of the top.

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Kevin M. George
KMG Detailing
Lebanon, PA

6 comments on Product Review: 303 Automotive Tonneau Cover & Convertible Top Cleaner

  1. Rudy Sanabria says:

    My name is Rudy, I starting in the business, just bought a 7″ model DWP849 DeWalt but don’t know wich pads to buy for buffing and polishing. Can you help please.

    • Kevin George says:

      Rudy, unless you have experience with a rotary I would highly recommend purchasing a dual-action polisher like the Porter Cable or Griots. A rotary can cause some serious damage in the hands of someone that does not know how to properly use one. As for pads you can’t go wrong with Orange Light Cutting pads and White Polishing pads. I really like using the Lake Country CCS pads for foam and I use the Meguiar’s Microfiber pads quite often. Hopefully this is helpful.

  2. Mark says:

    I have used 303s convertible top cleaner as well as RaggTopp’s. They both work great, but I still encounter stains on the fabric tops that theses cleaners won’t touch even after multiple applications. Any recommendations?

    • Mark says:


      • Kevin George says:

        Mark, sorry for the delayed response. Many times the convertible tops will develop wear marks in areas that rub against the frame of the top. Often times they will appear to be stains, when in reality you will likely not be able to remove them. I have seen this on a few cars I have worked on already, especially cars with lighter colored tops.

  3. Sheri Igou says:

    Excellent article. I will be facing many of these issues as well..

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