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Product Review: Einszett 1Z Plastic Deep Cleaner Plastik-Reiniger



I always keep a bottle of 1z plastic deep cleaner on hand for those special areas or special cars that need/require such a product.  It’s per use cost is a bit more than a good APCs (all purpose cleaner), but for areas that are sensitive to the general all purpose cleaners, this works great!  One of its active ingredients is called Limonene which offers the ability to break down grime, body oils, greases, and other dirt build ups with ease.

I have found that turn signal and wiper controls on the steering columns harbor nasty build ups of dead skin, body oils, cosmetic make ups, dirt and grime, and who knows what ever else.  These areas seem to layer like lasagna over time and bond together to form a sticky pile that is hard to remove.  I have tried harsher APC’s and at times the plastic has turned a greyish color when done cleaning. I’ve never had this happen when using the 1z Plastic Deep Cleaner!  In addition, many of the controls have ribbed areas for a better grip. This sticky mess often times gets in the groves and is a PITA to remove, however the Plastik-Reiniger takes care if it with ease!

Here are a few areas of a vehicle I save this nice product for:

  • The center console areas with all the buttons, knobs and switches will build up with left over human “fall out” and yet the plastics often used in these areas need a sensitive cleaner that wont harm the finishes.
  • On top of coated leathers (urethane coated), I can apply and brush with my soft horse hair to help agitate and loosen the build up on seat bolsters.  If you use too harsh a chemical cleaner on these surfaces you can damage the top coat.
  • Shift knobs can get really, really grimy.  In a standard car a lot of people hold onto this knob for most of the drive and if they eat in the car with the same hand they shift, uh yeah dirty to say the least!
  • Arm rest/center storage will get lots of body oils and most are plastic, rubber, or top coated leather.

Oh and it smells pretty good too…a fruity citrus clean smell!

This product has never failed me in situations when I’m concerned about the plastic or rubber being damaged by cleaning.  How have you used this product?  What areas do you think it would best be used in?

Greg Nichols Reflections Detailing
Greg Nichols
Reflections Detailing
Logan, Utah

1 comment on Product Review: Einszett 1Z Plastic Deep Cleaner Plastik-Reiniger

  1. Zach K. says:

    Greg, you hit on a lot of the areas that I use this product exclusively for. It does a great job of cleaning, especially when used with a brush. I use it more frequently than my APCs for interiors just because I know it’s going to get the job done and won’t affect the plastics like you said.

    Another area I find this product to be a lifesaver in is on vinyl convertible tops. When paired with a soft, clean short nap microfiber, it gets in and removes oxidation and buildup on the windows without abrasive products or methods. Follow that up with some protectant like 303 and you have a winning combo.

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