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Product Review: Poorboy’s World Driveway Cleaner


I recently had the chance to try the Poorboy’s Driveway Cleaner  and I was intrigued to say the least. I took the time to test this cleaner on a small section of my driveway and I will highlight my initial reaction and application process below.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

For this test I did not use a pressure washer …

Pretty unique driveway cleaner I would say. As it is not in a liquid form, but rather a powdery substance. As it states on the jar “Industrial Strength Natural Pine Oil”… It definitely has the scent and in my opinion,  a good clean scent! It comes in a 8oz jar (plenty to do a 2 car driveway with, if not more) and for this small test I used about a quarter of an ounce of product. It doesn’t have to be used for just driveway either. If you have epoxy flooring, sealant flooring, brick, tile, etc. it would also be great to add in a mop bucket with a small amount of  this cleaner. I for one will now be mopping my garage floor with this as the solvent. Mostly because it smells pretty good and works great!

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

In the picture above is a small amount of cleaner used for our driveway test. (I ended up doubling that once it was spread)

The below picture will be our test spot.

 aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

Before you can apply the product you must first wet the surface.

So as we are all accustom to marking out our test spots with tape through detailing…. I laid some blue masking tape down to mark our spot. (no, it did not stick) But did act as the guidelines.

(Below) I sprinkled that first portion around.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

Stepping back a bit I simulated some rain to wet the cleaner (very hot day… the driveway was drying fast)

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

The Poorboy’s Driveway Cleaner calls for some agitation.

I grabbed an old brush and lightly worked it around for just a few seconds.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

This is when I was thinking I should double the amount used. So I sprinkled a little bit more down and noticed the product really starting to work. It will change color from an orange-ish color to green and you visibly see the cleaner working.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

The run off was working after about 5 min.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

Within 10 minutes I lifted the tape up.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

As I said, No pressure washer was used. Right out the garden nozzle, I rinsed the area down. Much like any concentrate it had a small out of foam build up (very small) and it does not sud like crazy.

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

After about 20 min. of allowing the section to dry slightly, we have our results! Really good results I would say for near zero effort. I believe when I get around to doing the whole driveway, I will first wet it down, sprinkle Poorboy’s Driveway Cleaner around, agitate it with an old broom, and then pressure wash it down! I say pressure wash, but you could get by with a rinse and still have good results.

Now that my driveway is completely dry it’s a night and day difference (still slightly damp in my after pictures)!

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

aowheels | Poorboy's Driveway Cleaner Review

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Brian Guy
Brian Guy

3 comments on Product Review: Poorboy’s World Driveway Cleaner

  1. Hugo Alfaro says:

    Your well focused photography goes hand in hand with the elements of your articles. Just like a well performed two step polishing process.
    Congratulations !!
    Hugo A. Alfaro
    Coral Gables, FL

  2. Daryan Lenz says:

    The article was meticulously crafted and well documented, Bravo! Now I would love to see a follow-up with the crystals placed upon a solvent, grease, gas, or oil stain. I am the king of gasoline spillage, so this would be much appreciated. Thanks and again, well done sir.

  3. Robert says:

    Thank You for the review, i saw this product not too long ago on DI and was tempting to buy it. At times, that German brake dust runoff is so dirty i’m worried about staining the driveway.

    Thanks again!

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