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Passion Behind the Detailer: Daniel Wendell – Automotive Aesthetic


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I was recently scrolling through a few detailing groups on Facebook and I came across a video from one of our great wholesale customers, Daniel Wendell of Automotive Aesthetic. Shortly after starting this video, I realized that I had never seen a video capture the passion most detailers feel like this before. I contacted Daniel in hopes that he would like to share this video with our Ask-A-Pro readers and to my excitement he obliged. Read an intro from Daniel below and I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did!

My name is Daniel Wendell and I own Automotive Aesthetic. Ever since before I could remember, I had a strong affinity for cars. Growing up in a “car family”, I was predisposed to be a car person. My affinity for cars wasn’t just a casual interest, it was a compulsion to learn and be around anything with four wheels. Being a young kid with a desire to help and learn, I always found myself washing or cleaning my family’s cars, so naturally when I needed extra money I was always washing cars for my family or neighbors. Eventually I found the online forums, and only then did I realize what the possibilities were.

I bought my first car when I was a 14 with money I had saved. It was a tired run down 1977 Porsche 911. It needed a lot of work, but I saw something that none of my friends did in that car: Potential. That is the way I see every car now. I focus on what I can do to help cars, and I make my living doing that. Many people go their entire lives without doing a job that truly gives them satisfaction; I am the outlier. I found what I love to do at a young age.

Source: YouTube

Video Description: I started down the path that would eventually become my chosen vocation when I was twelve years old. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know why I was doing it, but I couldn’t stop. During my fourth year at the University of Virginia I created Automotive Aesthetic— your friendly, neighborhood, detailing studio. A year and a half later, I still have the passion.

5 comments on Passion Behind the Detailer: Daniel Wendell – Automotive Aesthetic

  1. Yar says:

    Great video. Love the passion and history! Thanks for posting

  2. Paul says:

    I so understand the feeling as I have gone down a similar path just as an older person

  3. I found this video a little while ago while perusing YouTube… one of the best I have found highlighting the passion and drive of a professional detailer. Well done, Daniel.

  4. Frank says:

    Cool a Fellow Roanoker!!

  5. Ron Ayotte says:

    Detailing is a passion that a lot of people do not understand. As a clean car fanatic, I have been called crazy by neighbors, my co-workers at the Fire Department and even family members.

    Yes, I may be a little crazy.. but they are the people who bring me their vehicles to have detailed!

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