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Pad Cleaning Techniques (Part 2)


Since my last video, Pad Cleaning Techniques (Part 1), I have received a few requests to show the actual cleaning techniques on video.  If you didn’t watch the first video, I would suggest you do so as I believe it gives more insights as to why you might choose one of the methods you will see below. I also go over the reasoning behind each of these methods, helping you choose the option that will work best for you.

I will show three methods I use often:

  1. Brushing out the pad with a nylon brush 
  2. Microfiber towel method
  3. Using compressed air, or specifically a Tornador

Video Source: Youtube

I hope that this helps you keep your pads clean during and after your details!

Greg Nichols Reflections Detailing
Greg Nichols
Reflections Detailing
Logan, Utah

5 comments on Pad Cleaning Techniques (Part 2)

  1. Jason M says:

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for the tips on cleaning the MF pads. Is this a similar process with foam pads??

    Thanks for the response in advance.

    • Greg says:


      yes same options with foam as with MF. At times the foam will hold onto the “polishing fluids” a bit more, and either wash them and spin dry on a rotary OR just use a new one and re prime and go at it again.


  2. Wayne R Sharaf says:

    very worthwhile demonstration. Worth a thousand words.

  3. Bob says:

    Enjoyed the video. Thank you!

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