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Optimum Paint Prep & More – SEMA 2015


Optimum has some new and updated products this year at SEMA that we are excited to share with you!

Optimum Optimum Paint Prep

Paint Prep is the perfect product to use on your paint before applying a coating like Optimum Gloss Coat. After washing, decontaminating and polishing the paint you are ready to apply your favorite coating. To ensure the surface is clean and free from oils found in many polishes use the Optimum Paint Prep. It safely removes any residue left on the surface so your coating will apply with ease and bond with the surface properly for maximum durability. This item will be available at Detailed Image in the 17oz and 128oz size. We hope this item is in stock shortly after SEMA, click here for pricing.

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Optimum Gloss Coat

Gloss Coat is greatly improved! Try out this new item and notice the improved durability and gloss. Some weekend detailers feel intimidated by coatings because they are a little more challenging to apply, but the new Gloss Coat makes applications so easy virtually anyone can use them with ease. When you’re done it looks very glossy and your paint will be well protected. Best of all we’ve been able to keep the pricing the same so you get an even better product for the same price! We don’t have a firm date but we expect to have the new version in stock shortly after SEMA.

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Zen Tool Buffer

Optimum really likes their Zen Tool Buffer, which resembles a Rupes buffer, but it’s much more affordable. Last year they came out with the 21mm and this year they are introducing a Mini version which has a 12mm throw. It looks like a nice tool that is easier to afford. DI has yet to pick these up so please let us know what you think!


Mini Zen

7 comments on Optimum Paint Prep & More – SEMA 2015

  1. Bryan says:

    Wonder how much the Zen Tool Buffer, 3” will be ? Looking forward to seeing the reviews and blogs on this tool.

  2. Greg S says:

    I’d buy the 3 inch zentool from DI if you decide to pick them up. Think I seen them for 199 on optimum website. But I prefer to buy from DI.

  3. Jason says:

    The Zentools are solid buffers for the quality and the price – Not a huge fan of the “Eraser” type product but it makes sense to sell it with the coating since the CarPro product is very successful (I like to mix my own IPA wipe) – Huge fan of the Gloss Coat improvements!

  4. Nathaniel says:

    I am a big fan of Optimum products so I look forward to getting my hands on their new polishers. I definitely want to try the new formulates flood coat.

  5. r jones says:

    Zentool has been on sale for a short period already at kleencar for 299.

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