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Optimum Carpet & Fabric Cleaner & Protectant: A Great Upholstery Option


You would expect an all in one product to not be a very potent cleaner.  Optimum Carpet & Fabric Cleaner & Proectant however, does an outstanding job at removing grime from carpets and upholstery.  Although it can be diluted, I will use it at full strength for dedicated cleaning.

I have always preferred using dedicated upholstery cleaners over all-purpose cleaners or all in one type of products, but this product has often been my one exception. Below is a photo of what I was starting with.


After vacuuming, Optimum Fabric Cleaner And Protectant made quick work out of these carpets and floor mats. Don’t believe me, check out the photos below!



For application, all I did was spray directly on a microfiber towel and wiped immediately for light cleaning.  As an insurance cleaner (whatever gunk remains) cleaner and protectant, I will spray directly on the surface and wipe with a microfiber towel after counting to about 5 seconds.  If I am using it as my primary cleaner on a heavily soiled surface, I will spray onto the surface, agitate with a medium bristle brush, and wipe with a microfiber towel.  This S2000 fabric (shown below) was cleaned and protected with minimal effort.


Although it would not replace my collection of upholstery cleaners, Optimum Carpet & Fabric Cleaner & Protectant can handle many jobs on its own.  It also boosts up to 6 months of protection.  Although 6 months of protection can be a very unreliable estimate, especially based upon foot traffic that can drastically cut that number down.  If I am not using Gyeon Fabric Coat, this product is my go-to last step product.


Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Optimum Carpet & Fabric Cleaner & Protectant: A Great Upholstery Option

  1. Eric says:

    How well does it protect? Some bead shots would be nice

    • Rodney Tatum says:

      I like it as an aio carpet cleaner. At full strength it can rival any auto carpet cleaner. In terms of hydrophobic (beading) properties you are really only going to experience that with a fabric coating.

  2. Mike says:

    It does a good job on cleaning carpets. Even the dirtiest of carpets.

  3. Orlando says:

    Excellent product. I use this product like spotter remover with my Mytee. I dilute it, but when the grime is heavy I use the full strength.

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