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Nextzett Cockpit Interior Cleaner: A Safe Interior Cleaner


I really like dedicated cleaners.  What originally attracted me to this product was the description.  It is a product formulated for dashboards, trim, center consoles, and navigation screens.  Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for me to hear stories of damaged navigation screens and instrument panels from a cleaner that was assumed to be safe or damage from accidental over-spray cleaning the surrounding plastic parts.


Nextzett Cockpit Premium is a product that I like to spray lightly on a clean microfiber towel and wipe the area I would like to clean, turning over to a dry side for a final wipe.  I will also spray this product onto items like the foam swabs and Detail Factory brushes to get into nooks and crannies.

This is an example (below) why anyone who is involved in the care of vehicles should not overlook the need to use appropriate high-quality cleaners.  At a very minimum, when in doubt, use a cleaner created for the surface you are cleaning.  The cheapest general-purpose cleaners usually leave long term damage from repeated use and sometimes immediate damage.

Damaged Navigation Screen

Nextzett Cockpit Premium is a tailor-made all-around interior cleaner that will give you peace of mind that you are not damaging your or anyone’s car.



When a product is not explicitly marketed for safe use on instrument panels, I am immediately more mindful of its potential damage and will avoid using it in that area.  Having a product that I can effectively use on plastics and know it is safe for surrounding areas encourages me to have a bottle on hand.  One less thing to worry about when cleaning the interior of a car!

The product carries UV protection but does not leave a greasy oily feel.  To dig deeper into the meaning of this, the product does contain silicone-like cheaper products that make your dashboard shiny.  Why is that important? It will leave a matte finish that won’t distract you on the road with glare, it won’t attract even more dust, or dry out plastics.

It is a solid cleaner too!


After two spritzes on a microfiber towel, I wrapped the towel around my steering wheel, making one full revolution around.  This gunk (pictured above) came off of my steering wheel.  It cleans better than some may think for a product marketed for gentleness and overall safety.


Rodney Tatum
Mirror Reflections Auto Spa
Gainesville, Florida
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4 comments on Nextzett Cockpit Interior Cleaner: A Safe Interior Cleaner

  1. rlmccarty2000 says:

    Nextzett is an overlooked quality brand. All of their products belong in your arsenal.

  2. Steve says:

    Been using this on interior of my Porsches, old and new for many years! It’s the best interior maintenance product I’ve ever tried. Leaves interior clean dry, and smells like a new German car!!!

    • Robert Marsh says:

      I’ve seen many comments that say Nextzett smells like a urinal cake. Did you find that to be true?

      • Kyle Paton says:

        Smell is very subjective. And the urinal cake smell is a Matt Moreman thing who prefers P&S Interior cleaner which I think smells worse.

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